Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I met Les Claypool...

Yesterday at Tower Records on Columbus and Bay, Les Claypool was there signing copies of his new album "Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains". It was awesome! Katie asked him if he was going to play the whamola at the concert at the Warfield, he said maybe and "The Whamola is a wonderful thing." Very cool guy, I think he was kinda bored by the time we got there but it was cool to see so many Claypool fans excited to meet the man. The new album is pretty cool. The instrumentals songs sound very improvisational, similar to Pink Floyd's old stuff, which we all know has a huge influence on him.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Yeah, I took a break, so what?

I've been taking a break from the MySpace thing because I've realized it takes up a lot of my spare time. I got scripts to write people, so I'm devoting the majority of my time to doing just that. It's just so hard to buckle down with all the distractions surrounding me. I mean, Jay Leno had Paris Hilton on the other night, you know she's going to say something that seems dumb yet is very true, so it's always a new experience hearing her talk. Plus I can't get enough of David Letterman, the man's hilarious. But yeah, so for the next couple months, if you wanna peek into my life, let me know and perhaps I'll post somethin' new.