Monday, May 23, 2005

There has been a disturbance...

You know what's really disturbing and somewhat depressing? Checking out a whole bunch of books from the library then never getting a chance to read them. This week it's like I'm cramming for a test that will never come. I'll be frantically taking notes and searching inspiration within these pages of documented history for the next few days. Wish me luck :)

Friday, May 6, 2005

Looking upon you with fresh eyes...

Today was probably the most boring day at work ever. Only two other people in the office, which meant I didn't have much to do, so I just sat and pretended like I was doing something important most of the time. With each passing hour I looked forward to escaping my place of employment and making my way to Rasputin Records (or Raspy's as I like to call it). I brought a few DVD's that have overstayed their welcome in my collection with me to sell and get some store credit, it came out to $15, more than I actually expected. So I picked up Brendan Benson's latest and Ben Folds latest. I felt like geek rock fiend, but what can I say, I love this stuff. Benson's album sounds a lot like his last album, which isn't a horrible thing and Ben Folds album lacks the anger of his previous albums but it's a great album filled with some great heartfelt ballads and sweeping piano sounds that is my number 1 attraction to his music. On my way home on the bus I noticed an old overweight man with a long beard sitting at the front. He saw a friend of his on the bus and they began to talk about a film festival called Reel Art that's going on right now and how there's a film that was made in 1927 here in San Francisco. He's lived here in SF his whole life and had never seen "Old San Francisco" as he said. But it was refreshing to hear this long time SF resident speak so highly of his home. It kinda resparked my love for the city, I guess I had been feeling quite jaded as of late and wasn't appreciating my surroundings quite as much as I should have. But now that I have more time on my hands, I have more opportunities to explore myself, my town and more inspiration. I'm going to need it for the pace that I'm writing at, you can't take out if nothing's being put in.

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

(Snuffleupagus voice) Writing is fun!

It's amazing how much my happiness in life elevates the more I write. I had unintentionally taken a break from it for a few months trying to focus on my classes, until I realized how much suffering I was putting myself through, feeling creatively oppressed, numb from the day to day travels out to my class then the 3 hours of listening to something I wouldn't remember the next week. I was feeling unfulfilled, frustrated, tired, lack of motivation towards anything and everything was creeping in and dominating everything I did. I soon realized it was time to return to my natural state of being a writer and not trying to accomplish goals that appear wholesome but are ultimately damaging to my life. Please join me as I rejoice and bask in the wonderful world of my imagination once again. Finally, I can breathe