Sunday, January 15, 2006

Best of '05...

Simple and easy to read here're my top picks of 2005. Little or no explanations, but feel free to ask for more details. I may or may not choose to answer them, and should I choose, there's no promise that I'll follow through with my choice to do so...or not

Top Album: "Playing the Angel" by Depeche Mode
They still got it...oh, and btw, this decision took me about a half hour to make. This means I'm gonna make a Top 10 albums because I feel really bad for not mentioning a lot of other albums.

Top Music Video that makes me smile: "Glosoli" by Sigur Ros
Words can't express its magic

Top Film: Capote

Top Video Game: Star Wars Episode III LEGO!
I don't play video games too often, but this one was real fun.

Top New Music Artist: Gogol Bordello
Who knew such good punk/gypsy music could spring from the Balkans! You can see the lead singer in the film "Everything Is Illuminated", he has some of the best lines ever.

Top Movie Poster: "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (Teaser Poster)

Top Holiday: Halloween
I saw Bauhaus at the Fillmore...yeah

Top Book: "A Million Little Pieces" by James Frey
Because it made even bigger fools out of Oprah's sheep/neglected housewife fans.

Top Ruined Surprise: King Kong dies! What!?

Top DVD: Batman Begins
Although I hear the Sin City DVD is quite nice

Top TV Show: "Smallville" is gettin' to turn into a show with more Clark's dad is about to die, that'll make things more interesting.

Top Company Event: FREE TRIP TO THE ZOO! Granted, it was the only one, and the monkeys weren't there, but it was cool...right?

Top annoying Scientologist couple: "TomKat"

Top Annoying Celebrity: Ashlee Simpson
This will be the last time I ever mention her name, she shouldn't even be a subject of discussion.

Top Athlete: Peyton Manning
13 straight wins for the Colts, not bad at all

Top Line not Worth Waiting In: Any concert you already have tickets for.
Doesn't matter if it's General Admission or Assigned Seating, go out and do something else with your time instead of waiting outside the venue for an hour before the doors even open. It's kids stuff

Top Line Worth Waiting In: BEST BUY after Christmas Sale

Top Blog: Did you repose well? (Oct. 20)
I clearly need to sleep well...(time I finished this blog, 2:27 AM)

(Most of this was stolen from Gus)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Foxy BLOG on the run... scream and everybody, reads?

For whatever reason I've been listening to a lot of what would be considered as "Glam Rock". A lot of Bowie, T.Rex, Mott the Hoople, Sweet, New York Dolls, Sweet, etc. I can't really explain why I'm suddenly drawn to listen to this guitar heavy, hard hitting and larynx thrashing music. There has been a revival of sorts in the past couple years with bands like The Darkness emerging with their retro sound, and I think my desire to know the original source of things is what draws me more than anything to this style of music...either that or it just rocks and I just like it, as always, the simplest explanation seems to be the correct one.

School starts again next week. I'm taking two classes, each bound to work both of my cerebral lobes, respectively. Econ 5 (aka Statistics) and Cinematography, it should be a fun yet boring semester, I'm just glad to finally be able to work with film and get some actual training in the medium. Soon to come, my first Super8 film.

Stay tuned

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Never has nostalgia hit me so hard...

Who here remembers Mortimer from Bill Cosby's "Picture Pages"?

If you do, we can be best friends

Also, remember the cool sound the pen would make when Cosby would write on the board?