Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The World's No.1 Laxative Company

You might have grown up thinking that McDonald's was just a fast food joint. Or you may have looked at McDonald's as a company that's really good at hooking their customers at a young age to ensure a lifetime of fast food addicts. Or perhaps you see them as a company that's just extremely good a real estate. Well, how about this one, the #1 Laxative Company in the WORLD!

Think of the last time you went to McDonald's. Can you connect that visit with any kind of intestinal blockage or constipation? Do you even remember how smoothly that food came out on the other end? Probably not, because it was so effortless that you flushed it down the toilet without giving it second thought.

People always associate this characteristic with say, Starbucks. Because we all know coffee is a diaretic, which makes you go. But does it do your bowel movements any good if you're dehydrated by all that caffeine in your system? NO. You need something nice and greasy to oil up your insides so everything is functioning like it should be. And that's where McDonald's comes into play.

Nearly everything on their menu is processed or synthetic in one way or another, therefore making it even easier for our bodies to breakdown and dispose of. Now, I can't condone their health practices, their marketing campaigns or their role in the fattening of America. But I do have to give them respect for making my poop come out easier this afternoon, don't I?

If you doubt my words, just try it. If you're feeling a little backed up in the entrails, just go get yourself a couple things from the dollar menu for dinner and call me in the morning.

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