Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Tab...it's the new Red Bull

I was at the Big Apple grocery store at Polk & Clay yesterday checkin' out some of their choice goods, when in the refrigerated beverage aisle I suddenly saw a gleaming red can that just shouted at me "TAB!". I immediately looked down at the bottom shelf and there it was, a small, cylindrical can marked with the quintessential Tab logo with a plaid Tab red pattern covering the entire thing.


Words could not express the thrill and then confusion I felt when I inspected the can even more and saw a little green word "energy" below the logo. What? What is this? Energy? As if Tab alone wasn't enough to get me goin', they went and doubled their formula.

I've yet to have any for fear that I might get an aneurysm...the results will be in tomorrow.

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