Monday, February 21, 2005

R.I.P. Hunter S. Thompson

Many of you may only know him as the guy who wrote "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", but to many others he's known as the father of gonzo journalism and one of the few honest voices in the world of politics for the past half century. He is a man who I once aspired to be as, until I became happy with myself. But I learned much from him, how to think critically, how to see the truth in what others not only said but what they did. His ability to express his thoughts without worrying about what repercussions might arise. And his vocabulary and beautiful narrative style will never be matched. It saddens me to learn of how he left this world, it's something that none of us would have expected. Him being such a strong personality and sure in his ways. I only hope the best for his family and those who were closest to him whether through personal relations or through publications.

For the full story go to:

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