Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"Christmahanukwanzakah"...stop it!

It might have been funny about 3 years ago when I first heard it, but seriously, once Old Navy starts using it in their TV commercials it's no longer okay to use in normal everyday conversation, attempting to get a laugh.

And btw...why does Hanukah get an extra share in said "consolidated holiday word"? I'm pretty sure that "kah" wasn't there originally, either it's just a case of one person accidentally saying it that way and spreading or perhaps the Jews DO own the media! ha ha

Well, I only have to endure the word for a few more days, thankfully. But please, for my sake, stop saying it. Just stick to the PC term "Happy Holidays", or say "Merry Christmas" 'cause that's what I'm celebratin'.


Monday, December 19, 2005

Back to the grindstone...

It's both comforting and slightly disturbing when you can take a 2 week vacation from work and come back only find everything is exactly the same as when you left it. I don't know why I expected any change, 'cause usually if there's ever any change in the office I'm the one to blame. But I discovered today something worse than going 3 years without a REAL vacation, it's that first day BACK from vacation. It's so hard to work today, I wanna be outside, I wanna take the train to the beach, I wanna drive down to Fort Point or have some chowder at the wharf. Well, at least I get 3 extra days off next week for Christmas and New Years, maybe I'll satisfy my fix enough then to last me until my next vacation.

I wish I could say that my vacation was totally relaxing, but honestly it wasn't. Despite any goals I might have set to get some rest and do nothing for 2 weeks, "life" always seemed to step in and give me something new to deal with each day. I guess I should be thankful for the "Jon Time" that I was allotted, but I really needed more than I was able to squander out of those 2 weeks. There's no doubt I'll be a little reserved and detached for the next few days as I put some finishing touches on some of the projects that I should have finished, but it's something that must be done.

Tonight's my last final, no big whoop, just gotta show my portfolio in my drawing class. Should go well, I got kinda lazy towards the end of the semester and my teacher noticed, but I still got enough work done so hopefully I'll get at least a B in the class...as if a grade in an Art class really matters anyway.

OK, I'm going to try and work now. Don't wish me luck, I don't need the distraction.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Dear creepy Scientologist...

I'm not "stressed", I'm not "looking pretty dark there" and I've never "contemplated suicide" like you have, although I'll admit you really should have spared us. So stop trying to work an angle with me thinking your Jedi scientologist mind tricks are actually going to work. Good luck with your self-indulgent, science fictionitive, anti-depressant reliance life. Your repulsed acquaintance, Jon B.

Need some background on the matter? I was sitting in the hallway at school waiting for my Art class teacher to show up when this bearded, middle aged, tapered jeans wearing dude walked past me saying "You look really stressed! Yep, lookin' pretty dark there." I thought, who the hell is this guy? Then a couple minutes later I was still sitting in the same spot when he came out of his classroom and said "Yeah...you know, I contemplated suicide once, but decided it wasn't worth it." To which I replied, "Ha ha, well, I'm not quite there yet buddy, but death is overrated anyway." He looked at me, puzzled and probably without a way to approach me for a Scientologist "stress clearing". Which leads me to wonder, why do child molesters start fake churches?