Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Dear creepy Scientologist...

I'm not "stressed", I'm not "looking pretty dark there" and I've never "contemplated suicide" like you have, although I'll admit you really should have spared us. So stop trying to work an angle with me thinking your Jedi scientologist mind tricks are actually going to work. Good luck with your self-indulgent, science fictionitive, anti-depressant reliance life. Your repulsed acquaintance, Jon B.

Need some background on the matter? I was sitting in the hallway at school waiting for my Art class teacher to show up when this bearded, middle aged, tapered jeans wearing dude walked past me saying "You look really stressed! Yep, lookin' pretty dark there." I thought, who the hell is this guy? Then a couple minutes later I was still sitting in the same spot when he came out of his classroom and said "Yeah...you know, I contemplated suicide once, but decided it wasn't worth it." To which I replied, "Ha ha, well, I'm not quite there yet buddy, but death is overrated anyway." He looked at me, puzzled and probably without a way to approach me for a Scientologist "stress clearing". Which leads me to wonder, why do child molesters start fake churches?

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