Monday, December 19, 2005

Back to the grindstone...

It's both comforting and slightly disturbing when you can take a 2 week vacation from work and come back only find everything is exactly the same as when you left it. I don't know why I expected any change, 'cause usually if there's ever any change in the office I'm the one to blame. But I discovered today something worse than going 3 years without a REAL vacation, it's that first day BACK from vacation. It's so hard to work today, I wanna be outside, I wanna take the train to the beach, I wanna drive down to Fort Point or have some chowder at the wharf. Well, at least I get 3 extra days off next week for Christmas and New Years, maybe I'll satisfy my fix enough then to last me until my next vacation.

I wish I could say that my vacation was totally relaxing, but honestly it wasn't. Despite any goals I might have set to get some rest and do nothing for 2 weeks, "life" always seemed to step in and give me something new to deal with each day. I guess I should be thankful for the "Jon Time" that I was allotted, but I really needed more than I was able to squander out of those 2 weeks. There's no doubt I'll be a little reserved and detached for the next few days as I put some finishing touches on some of the projects that I should have finished, but it's something that must be done.

Tonight's my last final, no big whoop, just gotta show my portfolio in my drawing class. Should go well, I got kinda lazy towards the end of the semester and my teacher noticed, but I still got enough work done so hopefully I'll get at least a B in the if a grade in an Art class really matters anyway.

OK, I'm going to try and work now. Don't wish me luck, I don't need the distraction.

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