Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Burgers and Rowdy Roddy Piper

Yesterday I decided to splurge a bit on lunch and get myself a Bistro Burger, even though I had a full Subway "Preferred Customer" card. I'd eaten Bistro a few times before and always found myself somewhat unsatisfied with my gustation of said food product. It was yesterday that I realized what it was. Being a native Californian I had been raised on quite a bit of fastfood, namely McDonalds. I love Mickey D's, I choose to not see that movie "Super Size Me" because it's de-appetizing to eat that much food in the first place. But a large combo McD's every once in a while is OK, especially if you're generally a healthy and active person. But back to the Bistro thing, I think the reason why I'm never fully satisfied with it is because it's "real meat". There's not a high percentage of random cow parts to add that extra flavor :lol: Plus Bistro has that smell of freshly slaughtered cattle, and I just find that kinda creepy. When I eat beef I like to be under the false impression that it's just food, not meat carved off of a species of livestock.

Speaking of "livestock", the movie "They Live" was on AMC the other day and I watched the whole thing even though on TV it's like 3 hours. That movie's so awesome, but in a hilarious/kidding way. It's about a race of aliens taking over the earth and using our greed for their own gain. We work as a sort of livestock so they can build their cities and industry on our planet. All premise aside, the best thing about the flick is the 15 minute fight scene between Rowdy Roddy Piper and that one angry black guy. South Park parodied it with Jimmy and Timmy, but the original version is even funnier.

Monday, October 25, 2004

The Mane is NO MORE!

I was tired of looking all shaggy and giving off the image of a 30-something trying to look all "hipsterish" with my long hair. (I'm 25 btw)

So, I cut my hair, not too short though. Instead of looking like the Bobby Brady from their last season, I now have the Bobby Brady from the first season. That's the best way I can describe it. I'll have pics soon.

It's amazing how cutting 8 inches of hair can really increase your periferal vision. I always felt like a bum, not wanting to shave and trying to embrace my shagginess. But eventually I found myself not only surrendering to the look but also adopting the lifestyle of a bum. My motivation and self-esteem dropped considerably, I was like the opposite of Samson. When I cut my hair, I was free again, there was less weight hanging from my head, plus I didn't itch and grooming time in the morning was shortened quite a bit.

All in all, I'm glad I cut my hair. Maybe now I'll use my newfound energy for something creative or at least somewhat productive.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Why Christian Conservatives are voting for Bush, and why I AM NOT!

OK, I'm a Mormon, but that doesn't automatically mean that I'm going to go conservative and vote for a mass murderer does it? The only argument other Christian Right Wing Conservatives have is that Bush is against gay marriage.

But honestly, I don't care. It's not as if homosexuals are going to start getting married in churches and temples where it is considered an abomination. They'll most likely hold their own ceremonies and marry at city hall, which is one of the most unholy places you could go to. They already have the right to divide their possession by 50% to eachother, plus they have the right to adopt and have children of their own. The traditional family stucture already has an alternative in these gay unions, so letting them marry isn't going to make any difference.

I don't think Kerry's stated that he's for it, I've only heard him say that he's "not against it". That doesn't mean that it's going to be the first thing he proposes to Congress, there are much more important issues to work on such as the economy and more importantly the "War on Terrorism".

So to sum it all up, let's oust the mass murderer and elect a man who has a first person view of the realities of war. Somebody who won't go rushing into a war without due purpose and real evidence.

VOTE KERRY! And if you don't, that's fine, everybody's entitled to their own opinion.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Are drugs sexy or is sex a drug?

This message has nothing to do with the title, I just read it somewhere this morning so I thought I'd recycle it somewhere it would be irrelevant.

Have I mentioned in the past that I'm a Craigslist and eBay junky? Yeah, I am. Almost everything I buy comes from those two sites. But what I love the most is when I sell something through one of the two.

A couple months ago I bought a cool pair of retro-style headphones, but since getting a new home theater system I haven't need of them. I originally got them for like $10, I put them on eBay with a $15 BIY option, and somebody picked them right up! That extra profit will pay for a movie ticket this weekend! Also, a month ago I won four Krystof Kieslowski DVD's from Landmark Theatres, but since I'm not a big fan of his earlier suspense films I decided to sell'em. They go for $26 each at the Kino Video website, I sold'em for $15 each, free money! I'm not a greedy person, I just like it when I get a little extra on the side.

I got a couple CD's the other day. At the Billy Corgan thing he mentioned the group My Bloody Valentine, I always liked'em but realized I didn't have any of their albums. So I went out and got "Loveless", which is a great album, I highly recommend it. I also got Sonic Youth's album "Daydream Nation", which is a masterpiece of 80's pre-alt rock.

Oh yeah, some bastard broke my car window over the weekend and stole my stereo. I wasn't as mad as I expected I might be, at least it was the smaller window in the back door, and they didn't do any devalueing damage to the car. The stereo wasn't a big deal either, but what I was really pissed about was that they didn't bother to take my Les Claypool and the Frog Brigade CD out of the stereo first! I love that album, so now not only do I have to buy a new window and stereo, but the "Purple Onion" album is another necessary purchase. So I got that too.

Anyway, thanks for reading, Peace and chicken grease!!

Friday, October 1, 2004

All Talent, No Tools

As I have stated before, I am a film major. Granted, a community college film major doesn't sound as prestigious as say an SFSU film student, but I'm on my way right? All I need is a quality camera now. My Digital8 camera is busted and at the shop probably sitting under a pile of VCR's and 8-track players. Those bastards had better be doing something about it or else I'll have to get medievel on'em! There's nothing sadder than a filmmaker without a camera...well, I could probably think of a lot of sadder situations, but for now this one really sucks.

Since I got a bike the trip to work everyday has grown less interesting. When I was walking to work there was time to make observations, contemplate people's paths in life and watch birds poop on people. On my bike I'm goin 30 mph downhill and the only thing I observe is "how close is that car from hitting me?" I'm almost ready to walk to and from work maybe 2 or 3 days a week, I just feel like I'm missing out on a lot of the little things the city has to offer.

Maaaan! So many new toys out there I wanna get, but I gotta wait until my camera's fixed so I can sell it to get a different camera! The new iMac G5 is out, it's awesome and it's a perfect replacement for my at times frustrating eMachines PC. It's worked great, but there's not enough memory to edit video efficiently, so I'm switching over.

I'm still amazed as to how popular computers are this day and age. Everybody has one, everybody's on the internet and everybody's using it to play online pool on Yahoo!. My how we've progressed as a society.