Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Burgers and Rowdy Roddy Piper

Yesterday I decided to splurge a bit on lunch and get myself a Bistro Burger, even though I had a full Subway "Preferred Customer" card. I'd eaten Bistro a few times before and always found myself somewhat unsatisfied with my gustation of said food product. It was yesterday that I realized what it was. Being a native Californian I had been raised on quite a bit of fastfood, namely McDonalds. I love Mickey D's, I choose to not see that movie "Super Size Me" because it's de-appetizing to eat that much food in the first place. But a large combo McD's every once in a while is OK, especially if you're generally a healthy and active person. But back to the Bistro thing, I think the reason why I'm never fully satisfied with it is because it's "real meat". There's not a high percentage of random cow parts to add that extra flavor :lol: Plus Bistro has that smell of freshly slaughtered cattle, and I just find that kinda creepy. When I eat beef I like to be under the false impression that it's just food, not meat carved off of a species of livestock.

Speaking of "livestock", the movie "They Live" was on AMC the other day and I watched the whole thing even though on TV it's like 3 hours. That movie's so awesome, but in a hilarious/kidding way. It's about a race of aliens taking over the earth and using our greed for their own gain. We work as a sort of livestock so they can build their cities and industry on our planet. All premise aside, the best thing about the flick is the 15 minute fight scene between Rowdy Roddy Piper and that one angry black guy. South Park parodied it with Jimmy and Timmy, but the original version is even funnier.

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