Friday, October 15, 2004

Are drugs sexy or is sex a drug?

This message has nothing to do with the title, I just read it somewhere this morning so I thought I'd recycle it somewhere it would be irrelevant.

Have I mentioned in the past that I'm a Craigslist and eBay junky? Yeah, I am. Almost everything I buy comes from those two sites. But what I love the most is when I sell something through one of the two.

A couple months ago I bought a cool pair of retro-style headphones, but since getting a new home theater system I haven't need of them. I originally got them for like $10, I put them on eBay with a $15 BIY option, and somebody picked them right up! That extra profit will pay for a movie ticket this weekend! Also, a month ago I won four Krystof Kieslowski DVD's from Landmark Theatres, but since I'm not a big fan of his earlier suspense films I decided to sell'em. They go for $26 each at the Kino Video website, I sold'em for $15 each, free money! I'm not a greedy person, I just like it when I get a little extra on the side.

I got a couple CD's the other day. At the Billy Corgan thing he mentioned the group My Bloody Valentine, I always liked'em but realized I didn't have any of their albums. So I went out and got "Loveless", which is a great album, I highly recommend it. I also got Sonic Youth's album "Daydream Nation", which is a masterpiece of 80's pre-alt rock.

Oh yeah, some bastard broke my car window over the weekend and stole my stereo. I wasn't as mad as I expected I might be, at least it was the smaller window in the back door, and they didn't do any devalueing damage to the car. The stereo wasn't a big deal either, but what I was really pissed about was that they didn't bother to take my Les Claypool and the Frog Brigade CD out of the stereo first! I love that album, so now not only do I have to buy a new window and stereo, but the "Purple Onion" album is another necessary purchase. So I got that too.

Anyway, thanks for reading, Peace and chicken grease!!

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