Monday, October 25, 2004

The Mane is NO MORE!

I was tired of looking all shaggy and giving off the image of a 30-something trying to look all "hipsterish" with my long hair. (I'm 25 btw)

So, I cut my hair, not too short though. Instead of looking like the Bobby Brady from their last season, I now have the Bobby Brady from the first season. That's the best way I can describe it. I'll have pics soon.

It's amazing how cutting 8 inches of hair can really increase your periferal vision. I always felt like a bum, not wanting to shave and trying to embrace my shagginess. But eventually I found myself not only surrendering to the look but also adopting the lifestyle of a bum. My motivation and self-esteem dropped considerably, I was like the opposite of Samson. When I cut my hair, I was free again, there was less weight hanging from my head, plus I didn't itch and grooming time in the morning was shortened quite a bit.

All in all, I'm glad I cut my hair. Maybe now I'll use my newfound energy for something creative or at least somewhat productive.

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