Sunday, March 13, 2005

Back from AZ!

HEY EVERYONE! I just got back from a 4 day visit to the Phoenix area for a wedding. It was cool, I went to an A's Spring Training game, saw some extended family and spent a good amount of time cursing at the city planners idea of working on the freeways during the daytime hours instead of the twilight hours. (Not to mention they closed every single freeway, on ramp, off ramp and junction that I needed to use to get to the various family functions) The trip back made up for it though. Stopped by Joshua Tree National Forest, cool place, and then checked out the Salton Sea. Man that place is spooky, in a cool way. Surrounded by ghost towns and the beaches on it are covered with kajillions of crushed seashells and barnacle shells. There's no dirt to be seen, it's ALL shells. I high recommend visiting it. but yeah, I'M BACK! And still alive!

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