Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Don't hate me for eating meat...

I was at Cala Foods tonight, getting some goody food. Thought I'd get some steak because it's good and it also tastes better when I cook it myself.

When I got to the line at the register there was a young emo hipster couple buying Tofu, chips and beer. The one girl took at look at my tasty, juicy, succulent slab of beef slightly appauled as she casually flipped through her thick edition of "InStyle" trying to pass of the fact that she was sickened by my choice of nutrition. She then whispered to her husband at a volume still audible by everybody in her vicinity "Hmm, soda and a big slab of beef, that can't be good for you."

I then took a look at her pale face, frail physique and bony fingers as she pointed to pictures of Lindsay Lohan in the magazine and noticed how unhealthy she seemed. And I thought to myself, "It's better to eat a reasonable amount of lean beef and help your brain development than go "veggie" and fight anemia everyday of your life." Not to mention she had a box of beverages containing toxins, and that in the grand scheme of things she's actually causing more and more cows to be killed.

Think about it, what's something that goes well with steak? BEER And by supporting the Beer company with your purchase you're allowing them to stay in existence, thus encouraging more steak and beef feasts. And then, the people who work for and run the breweries? Most likely steak eaters.

So remember, next time you buy your tofu and beer, you're still supporting the same market you wish to destroy.

Honestly, I respect vegans or vegetarians for their conscious and purposeful decision to not eat animal products. All I ask is that they try and contain their anger while I eat my hunk-a-flesh in peace. I don't judge them for eating nasty flavorless tofu, they shouldn't judge me for eating sweet beef.

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