Friday, August 20, 2004

City College of San Francisco is officially LAME

Tell me, what kind of school downsizes and has less evening classes when it is situated just outside a major metropolitan filled with people who work 9 - 5 and can't go to school during the day time. Don't know, lemme tell you, CITY COLLEGE OF SAN FRANCISCO. I tried to add an evening Algebra class last night only to find enough people to fill a second class standing along the wall inside class in the doorway. And since they pick who gets in by your registration date, I decided to give up since I only registered about a month ago. So I got up at the butt-crack of dawn today to make the 7am class. The lady who drives the 49 bus in the morning is so incredibly slow I figured I'd calm myself down with some Primus. That helped. I made it to the class on time with not a minute to spare, then 15 minutes late the teacher came strolling in. COOL, I thought, he's lax, maybe he'll let me add. But I found out there was already a list of about 15 people. That's OK, I thought, All I gotta do is show up a couple more times and watch the people drop like flies until it's my turn to add. SO WISH ME LUCK PEOPLE! I NEED THIS CLASS IN ORDER TO FINISH THE NEXT CLASS UP IN TIME TO APPLY FOR SF STATE!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

The Diversity of your Local Walgreens

It was a really nice day today, so at lunch I decided to walk around the FD a bit. I really wanted to go looking for a helmet and bike lock, but there aren't any shops to get'em at around here. But then I thought, maybe Walgreens has some bike locks. I went to the one nearest my work, no dice. I then went over to another Walgreens (since they pretty much own about 10% of the city), the one at Market & 4th St. Right when I walked in I started to look at the aisle signs to see if they had "Bicycle Supplies" or something similar where I could find some. Then one of the best aisle signs ever caught my eye. In the Hair Care aisle it had listed among the key items "AFRO HAIR CARE". I couldn't contain my laughter, I had to let it out. People were staring, but who cares, I'll never see them again. They obviously could never understand why something like that is so funny. And alas, no bike locks there either. Oh well, I'll find one somewhere.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Woo hoo!!!

I got meself a bike matey!! Somebody down in Foster City is holding a sweet GT Mach 1 for me. It's only 60 bucks, sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet! So tomorrow night I'll be a happy man. On my way home today I saw a man walk out of a drug store with the coolest dog. I don't know breeds. But what made the sight special was that the man had his dog hold his two packs of cigarettes that he had just purchased. Poor dog probably thinks they're treats for him, well, at least the guy isn't using his own kids and having them carry his cigs in their mouths.

Monday, August 9, 2004


On my way home last Thursday I finally finished "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams! Hilarious book, and certainly a very different type of science fiction. I can't wait for the movie to come out next year, it's gonna be sweeeeeet. So Now I've started on the next book "The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy". I just had to get that out of the way before I moved on. This morning on my way to the Haight to park my car there was a quadrapalegic man doing his best to cross the street. He didn't make it in time for lights to change, so when he saw that cars were about to head his way he began to hurry. I glanced away then looked back and all of a sudden he was on the ground rolling around. There was a pothole in the road, he must have tripped or stumbled over that. He got up slowly and started walking again, I swear if he hadn't have gotten up I would have gotten out to help him. I saw a girl walking towards him almost ready to break out in tears it was so sad. I didn't have time to stick around though, I was on a busy street and I was in a hurry to get to work on time. I'm going to Copelands Sports today for lunch to testride some BMX bikes. I was going to get a Mt. Bike, but I remembered that I always felt like an idiot on those. It's much more my style to ride BMX and not have to wear those lame shell head helmets. I'll get a BMX/Skaters helmet, that way I won't be self conscious about my dorkiness. 3:35 PM: So I went to Copeland's, that joint sucks! They had everything but bikes! I'll have to go out to the Valencia Bike Shop sometime soon I guess.

Friday, August 6, 2004

Ride to CCSF is a trip

This morning I needed to get to CCSF to take the lame Math/Algebra Assessment test. I calculated that if I get on the bus by 7:15 I'd probably reach campus by 7:45 at the latest. Being my first visit to campus ever I really how amazingly naive I was. The 49 goes down Van Ness, Mission then Ocean Blvd, I didn't know how long and tedious that trip was. Not to mention most of the Mission district is not something to write home about nor blog about, so I'll refrain. I got to the school around 8:15, just barely making the "opening explanation" of how the test is taken. This is pretty much a preparation for idiots who don't understand the logic of answering question after question without talking to your neighbors. So I decided to go to the bathroom during these minutes, you know, to release a little pressure. I came back, did the dopey arithmetic part and quickly moved on to the Albebra part. It wasn't too bad, I qualified to Intermediate Algebra, which just means I have 2 semesters more until I can go to SF State. On the way to work on the bus it was really fun. The Mission District looks a lot better once all the stores are open and people are scampering around buying produce at the outdoor markets. The murals are more radiant now that the sun is shining on them and the small population of drunken latinos are now all sober and on their way to work. A group of about 30 children suddenly boarded the bus, all yacking up a storm about Finding Nemo among other deep see movies they've seen. "FISH ARE FRIENDS, NOT FOOD" they shouted in unison. It was incredibly cute, made me smile during my whole trip which was something I needed this morning. A sweet Asian girl sat next to me, complaining to her counselor that she had a tummy ache. I hope she felt better because they were all headed to the wharf to make themselves some teddy bears at the "Teddy Bear Factory". It was a very gratifyingly different day today, and I need not to forget what started it all. On my way to the bus in the morning there was an elderly Asian man walking up the hill backwards. Now that's thinking outside the bun.

Tuesday, August 3, 2004

What party?

In the wake of last week Democratic Convention I've been hearing this question: "So, what party do you belong to?" To which I reply "None, I'm an independent". I find it humorous that when speaking of a political party people ask you if you "belong" to it. As if the party owns you and controls your vote. I much prefer the term independent. This means I can vote for whomever I deem fit to represent my country and interests. Of course this is true, but, if a Republican were to vote for John Kerry in the upcoming presidential elections people would question that persons political beliefs. "Well, are you a Republican or not?" they might say. Therefore, for the sake of causing any confusion among those close to me and within my own noggin', I choose to be independent and free to swing whichever way I please. Thank you, and don't vote for Bush