Sunday, September 18, 2005

Mos Def-initely...

Being bored on a Saturday afternoon makes me go out and buy things, namely "media" products. Therefore, today around 1pm I hopped on the bus headed downtown so I could make a visit to Rasputin Music. When I arrived I immediatly went to the DVD floor and instantly grabbed the new "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" disc, great movie, just thoroughly entertaining in my opinion. I then took the "Transporter Room" aka elevator back down to the 2nd level to look through CD's. It had been a while since I'd looked through the hip hop section, so basically I strolled down the aisle looking for interesting covers. Mos Def's "Black on Both Sides" caught my eye, I listened to some of it at work the other day and enjoyed nearly every track that my co-worker played, so I decided to get it for myself. It wasn't until I got to the cashier that I noticed that I was about to purchase two items that both had Mos Def in'em. I had a chuckle to myself and declared my Saturday the "Jon wide Mos Def day". I also downloaded another one of his albums, "The New Danger", it's definitely a different kind of hip hop album. He takes every influence he could have and throws'em into one piece of modern recording art. Simply awesome. I'd forgotten how much I appreciated true hip hop, and not the thug life talkin' about big booties.

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