Friday, September 23, 2005

A tiny motorcycle and yellow jumpsuit...

I watched "Bottle Rocket" in its entirety last night for the first time. I'd seen parts of it on Comedy Central before and was intrigued by its absurdity, that and I'm already a big Wes Anderson fan. As I was pointing out to some of my co-workers today, and as other have pointed out to me, Wes Anderson films don't really ever feel like films. There's a quiet reality to them that's mixed with some indescribably surreal elements that almost make you forget that you're watching a movie. He's constantly breaking from formula and showing us the world as he sees it, nearly every shot engages me as do the complexities of all his characters. He's truly up in my top 10 list of favorite directors, and it's not only because it's suddenly hip to like Wes Anderson, I truly admire him as a film artist. "The Corpse Bride" opens this weekend, I'll probably see it tomorrow with my friends Ben & Lela. I'm super excited, which is my typical feeling whenever a new Tim Burton film is released. But I'm also interested to see what kinds of advances they've made in stop motion animation. Telling from the trailers the motion looks somewhat cleaner, as do the surfaces of the animated faces, you'll be reading a review of it before the end of the weekend for sure.

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