Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Corpse Bride...

Only Tim Burton can take an old Ukrainian fairy tale derived from a dark European anti-semitic history and turn it into something so delightful, colorful and visually gratifying as is "The Corpse Bride". Stop motion filmmaking has truly made some advances since his genius Nightmare Before Christmas, plus with the inclusion of a little CGI for making fog and other effects everything in this film is seemless, beautiful and every frame has the Tim Burton stamp on it (Tim Burton stamp = a spiral or swirl). My only complaints about the film are that for one, there are far too many puns in the script. Sure, some of them are quite charming and creative, but then there's a point where you're like "OK, enough". And second, the ending felt just a little too abrupt, I won't tell you why. True, everything in the end is resolved and makes sense when you remember what the very first shot of the film was, but I guess at a running time of 1hr 15min I suppose any ending WOULD feel abrupt. But despite any complaints, it's thoroughly enjoyable, I nearly had a smile on my face throughout the entire film.

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