Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Different route...

Today I walked down Sutter St. to work, mainly because I'm too lazy to walk up the hill, Sutter's much flatter. But the thing is with Sutter St., the people who I suppose frequent that street are like a totally different breed. I counted maybe 5 men walking around in sweatpants and sweaters holding cups of coffee in their hands, carefully keeping their forearm and aftarm (as I call the funny-bone area of your arm) at a perfect right angle so as to not spill their precious hazelnut flavored Starbucks coffee. I have nothing against Starbucks, I don't even drink coffee, but I do object to their coffee cups being everywhere. Every shop or building I go into there just always happens to be at least one person holding their cups, and always with that cardboard ring around it so they don't burn their fingers. But shouldn't they be more concerned about burning their tastebuds? I don't get it. Also, why doesn't Starbucks build those rings into the cups, it would save quite a bit of time I'd imagine, considering how many cups they ring everyday. I noticed there's a new coffeeshop near my work that's stolen it's name from that shop from Friends. Only this one's called "Golden Gate Perk", but it's sad because within the city you almost couldn't be any further from the actual park than the Financial District. Well, I guess it's the novelty of the name that matters not that it's not close to the park. And yes, today I brought my sandwich to work.

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