Saturday, October 1, 2005

A hard rain's a gonna fall...

How do you know when you're thinking about something way too much. Whether it's good or bad thinkin', either one in excess can be damaging either to yourself or those around you. Sometimes I'm just not sure where the line is, yet once I realize that I've crossed that line that's when I feel as if too much is bottles inside. I'm like a carbonated beverage, I've got that fizzy goodness inside that wants to tickle your nose, but if you open me up I might explode in your face from being shook around too much, and that could make a sticky mess. I need an outlet...oh wait, I have one, now I just need to act on it and get it done with.

On another note, "Serenity" was such a horrible movie, it was like watching a 2 hour pilot for a WB show or a SciFi Channel movie of the week. It's so full of cliche, cheaply made sets, some "Rolling eye causing" melodrama and mediocre one liners that die hard fans of the original show "Firefly" were chuckling all too loud at. I have nothing against Joss Whedon and his success within the television medium, in fact, he should stick to writing episodic shows. Stick with what works, that should be his motto.

I need a new CD tower/rack/cabinet...thing. I have about 400 CD's and a tower that only holds about half. I'm pretty sure I've lost a couple CD's to the under-couch monster, if anybody out there who reads this knows where I could find a cool lookin' CD tower, lemme know :)

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