Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sacrifices galore...

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being married and all, but sometimes there are times when I feel that a "compromise" is just a different word for "caving in" to make her happy. Yesterday, her best friend came out to the city to go to dinner with us and hang out in the Haight for a bit. She brought her husband, who just a few months ago was this close (holds index and thumb close to eachother) to getting a divorce do to his distasteful addictions. I've never liked the guy, there were times when we'd hang out and I'd be forced to act as if I was enjoying myself so I wouldn't spoil things for everyone else. He mumbles every other word, his eloquency is non-existent and his personality is draining. When they drove up to our apartment's driveway, she came upstairs to meet us while he waited in the car. It sent chills up my spine, I could already tell that the evening was not going to go well. We went downstairs and got in the car. He didn't say a word the whole way to the Ethiopian restaurant apart from asking me for directions. I tried to bypass the uncomfortable feeling of sitting behind him by imagining that he was just a cab driver who didn't know the way. We arrived at Axum Cafe on Haight St. and found a parking spot right in front of it, thus answering my prayer to shorten this awkward car ride. The food at Axum cafe was good, the ambience perfect for having conversations with interesting people and yet I found myself surrounded by people with nothing to say about anything besides Hanson's new album (yes, it's true, Hanson has a new album). We drove to Haight Ashbury, parked and walked down to Amoeba, digesting our Tibsie Beef and Lamb on the way. Upon arrival at the haven of a recordstore, I quickly escaped to the red tag vinyl section and started doing my Billy Goat Gruff impression as I searched the bottom bins of records. I found the half hour of freedom quite refreshing as my wife and I embarked together in our search for some nostalgiac sounds and the other couple roamed the store without purpose. I managed to find some vintage George Harrison, Van morrison and Traffic. Katie had a good find and got the Tears for Fears album "The Hurting", I love her. I was hoping to find some Bauhaus in the mix, but no luck. While we were purchasing our records we noticed that our accompanying couple were nowhere to be seen. I payed for the records and went outside for a moment of fresh air and silence while Katie went back in to retrieve them. I saw an older black man sitting on the curb using a McDonald's cup to panhandle and I noticed he had a shiny solar blanket. I thought to myself "How'd he score that choice solar blanket". Those who are unaware as to what it is should know that one of these blankets will keep you warm in the coldest conditions. Just as I pondered what he might have done to be so fortunate, Katie came out with the annoying couple and I let out a sigh as my moment of inner thought was interrupted. The rest of the evening continued in the same fashion that is to be expected after hanging out with this couple several times before. We went back to our place, hung out until 11pm, then they went home. I have to admit, there were moments of laughter and fun, but the overall experience was a trial and sacrifice that was almost too much to bear. Looks like the only way Katie will be able to hang out with her friend in the future will be under the monacre "Ladies' Night!". As I will not be able to tolerate another evening with him.

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