Sunday, October 30, 2005

Last wishes...

At my funeral, I'd like it to be open casket and I'd like to have pennies placed over my eyes.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Gimme a minute...

Yeah, work and school is just a tad time consuming, blah blah blah, yak yak yak, whine whine whine, I know. But that's why I'm looking forward to this weekend and well, November in general.

For Halloween I figured it'd be a good time as ever to check out Alcatraz during it's hours of twilight...creepy, eh? I hope so. I'm just hoping our tour guide rivals Phil Hartman's character in "So I married an Axe Murderer" (lol). Then later that evening, guess what's happening? BAUHAUS is happenin'! Woo hooo! I've been burnin' to see'em ever since I heard about their show at Coachella earlier this year. It's gonna be quite awesome...yes yes

Day of the Dead is on Wednesday, I have class, but it's an art class so I'm going to see if I can get extra credit for attending the cultural art center or something instead. I always enjoy the procession through the Mission, if you have the time, I recommend you go and at least walk half of it. But don't stay in the same spot in the crowd, move around and see all the people and groups that will be there. It's so fun.

So, October is my favorite month of the year usually, but this November is gearing up to be pretty awesome. Oct. was a good movie month though, gotta give it that.

The Founder, President and CEO of the company I work for has been in town all week. It's been really cool, he's a swell Irish lad. He's not here to criticize how I run the office, so that's nice. He's mainly here to interview freelance writers for the company and to buy me lunch.

Today we went to Murphy's Pub downstairs from our office where I expected a nice lunch but ended up having a bath too! The glass slipped out of the waitress' hand as she was handing it to me and it spilled over my right pant leg. Had I been wearing an expensive pair of slacks I might have been angry, but their Levi's, no big whoop. But the Aussie waitress felt so sorry and angry at herself, I told her it really wasn't a big deal and that it happens. Besides, she didn't charge for my meal which pleased Spencer (my boss). She swore that it had never happened to before, that she's never spilled a glass of anything on anybody, yet when she went to hand Spencer the check on one of those little plastic plates she happened to drop that too...sensing a pattern?

Yesterday while we were sitting at the bar at Murphy's, he with his pint of Guiness and me with my pint of Coke, he leaned over and told me that once the UK office has moved to it's new location in central London that he's going to ship me out there for a week to check out the new digs...(picture a shocked look on my face). He'd hinted to it in the past, but now it looks like it's actually going to happen. I'll have one week of work in London and a whole other week of doing tourist stuff and traveling around England in a rental car. All expenses paid plus I get to bring m' cool is that? It's incalculaculacable.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Did you repose well?

I'm very sleep deprived. I hear there's a course at Stanford that studies sleep and sleep deprivation, and that if you fall asleep in class you actually get extra credit for the day. Yeah, my grade sheet would be all marked up with extra credit.

Yesterday as I walked zombily to my drawing class, I looked at a statue that stood in a park that's on my way to the campus. I'm not sure who the statue is of, but from far off it looks like Walt Disney with his arms out. Have you ever been so tired you've hallucinated? 'Cause I swear to you, this statue's arms were flapping up and down like the audience in the movie "Angels in the Outfield". I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and as I looked around, everything was slightly distored, as if I were looking through a 50mm Wide Angle lens. To avoid anymore disturbing sights, I kept my head down a bit and just focused on the sidewalk ahead of me until I made it to class.

I arrived an hour early, at some food, drank an Orange Juice and took a nice 30 minute nap.

I'm much better now

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

This place is dead anyways...

...well, North Beach is anyhow.

Last night upon leaving work I was tired, spent even, from a long day of doing nothing but searching on the internet for "important people". It's amazing how just sitting in a seat all day could be more draining than doing manual labor all day. It's true, I know from experience and comparison. I managed to escape the office by 6pm, swaggering and moseying down the street in hopes to catch the 30 bus up to the Marina where my drawing class is.

I always forget that the months between Sept and Nov are the film industry's favorite months to be shooting in the city, I never really realize it until I'm stuck in traffic for a half hour and sitting among a few dozen grumbling public transit patrons. For some reason Jackson St. was a prime location where some film was shooting, and it took the bus about a 1/2 hour to go one block from Washington to Jackson. I'd had enough, so I got off the bus and decided to just walk somewhere that I could draw on my own, without the confines of a crowded classroom.

I first went to Washington, nothing interested me, so I proceded to walk North through the North Beach area. It's kinda eerie how quiet that area is, it's just so dead, absolutely no nightlife at all. I don't think I heard one human voice for a stretch of 10 blocks as I made my way to the wharf. Weird.

I arrived at pier and had a seat with a nice view of Alcatraz...hmm, Alcatraz, now there's a challenging subject. I broke out the paper and charcoal and commenced to outline my drawing. (BZZZ!) What hell?! (swat!)...ugh. I continued to draw, unaware the size of the bugs that were buzzing around me. I began to draw the backdrop behind Alcatraz (BZZZZ!) Damnit! (swat!) Holy crap! What is that? A locust? Somekind of mutated flying ant! Screw this! I brush off my jacket to assure myself that there weren't anymore insects clinging to my person. I packed up my drawing utensils and paper and got out of there.

I walked down Embarcadero for a stretch, saw the Bushman get someone really good and denied my craving for Ben & Jerry's as I pass their little parlor.

I was just a little disappointed that I wasn't able to complete my drawing, but that's OK, I don't think Alcatraz is going anywhere anytime soon.

Monday, October 17, 2005

A survey that's worthy of the blog...

1) My mother once: performed in a talent show dressed like a California Raisin

2) Never in my life: will I live in Utah

3) When I was five: I thought I was Superman

4) High School was: was good for the social aspect

5) I will never forget: the Alamo

6) I once met: my Aunt Sharon not long before she passed on after a fatal heart attack.

7) There's this person I know who: will never understand some of my ticks.

8) Once, at a bar: I ordered a glass of water

9) By noon I'm usually: already bored at work

10) Last night: I was again freaked out by Danny Bonaducci's self-destructiveness

11) If I only had: the new Canon HD cam

12) Next time I go to church/temple: I'll try and stay awake

13) Terri Schiavo: was loved by many, but no one loved her more than her long suffering husband.

14)I like: when ladies where big fat fake pearls

15) When I turn my head left, I see: a brick wall

16) When I turn my head right, I see: an iron pillar painted the same color as the GG Bridge.

17) You know I'm lying when: ...what, and reveal my "tell", pfft

18) In grade school: I had a really bad temper and would frequently throw tantrums while totally wailing on some kid who deserved it.

19) If I was a character written by Shakespeare: I'd be "Dogberry" from Much Ado About Nothing

21) A better name for me would be: Sherunous

22) I have a hard time understanding: Swahili

23) If I ever go back to school: I'd have to commit totally and live off of student loans.

24) You know I like you if: I give you an honest smile.

25) If I won an award, the first person I'd thank would be: whoever helped me out the most on whatever the award was for.

26) I hope that: everything works out alright :/

27) Take my advice: into count

28) My ideal breakfast is: Honey Nut Cheerios with a banana and OJ

29) A song I love, but do not have is: "Detachable Penis"

30) If you visit my hometown, I suggest: you visit 1/4 lb. Big Burger, aka "White Trash Burger"! Open 24/7

31) Tulips, character flaws, microchips & track stars: smell good, are valued, need to be destroyed so there aren't more Terminators and sweat a lot.

32) Why won't anyone: give me a ride to class on Tues & Thurs so I don't have to endure the 45 min train ride.

33) If you spend the night at my house: I'll probably keep you awake until 2am

34) I'd stop my wedding: if my trust were betrayed

35) The world could do without: Ashlee Simpson

36) I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: the rectum of a cockroach

37) My favorite blonde is: Rita Hayworth in "Lady from Shanghai"

38) Paper clips are more useful than: a sack of hammers.

40) And by the way: Jay Leno isn't funny

41) The last time I was drunk,: I was dreaming

42) My grandmother always: kept butterscotch candy in a jar for me.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Diversity at your local Walgreens...

Taken at the one on Market & 4th in San Francisco:

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Lemme just say that it's a very interesting dynamic "the messageboard". It's a place where people feel safe to say things that they otherwise wouldn't say to anyone in person. So long as they have their anonymity it's OK to bash and insult other people.

That said, I also think that a lot of posts are just taken too seriously and with the wrong tone. Since most people who write in messageboards are not seasoned writers, the majority do not have the ability to convey their feelings in words. They have no grasp of how to share with everyone else what their mood or voice is like when writing their posting, which is why they come off sounding mean when most likely they're being sarcastic and/or facetious.

Sunday, October 9, 2005

Fool! You be trippin'...

The highlight of my day today: As I was walking home today this young couple came from behind me while they were on their morning jog. The woman (obviously in better shape than her manfriend) jogged in perfect form, good posture and proper separation extention with each step. The man however (wearing an oversized white t-shirt), I really can't explain what he was doing. With each step he took his other foot would almost cross complete behind the other. His feet were just barely missing, almost dodging eachother with each lunging step that he took until finally the man tripped, nearly hit a tree and almost fell into a newspaper box. The woman, smiling in disbelief that she was with such a clutz, looked on and just waited at the next corner while her male counterpart returned to the spot of where he tripped, wondering what it was he tripped over. It was your own foot moron! I muffled my laugh all the way home until I arrived within the auditory safety of my apartment and let out the laugh that was bursting to get out.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Holes in bone...

Today I went to the dentist for the first time in just over 3 years. I expected poor results would arise once the x-rays were ready. At my last appointment 3 years ago, I had one filling out of 5 filled, so I expected at least 4 to still be present. Warning: If you need to go to the dentist and want to save some dough, try the UOP School of Dentistry, it's cheap, always good quality and the students are always nice...however, every sadistic aspect of what dentistry does to you is tiresome and dragged out since they are in fact only students and always need an instructor to check up on their work. The x-rays were in, a total of 7 cavities...but only 2 of the previous 4 were still present, while 5 whole new ones had burrowed into molers and next to one canine. I'm in for some torture over the next few months. Seinfeld Joke to make me feel better: "What's the difference between a sadist and a dentist? A sadist has newer magazines" ha ha

Saturday, October 1, 2005

A hard rain's a gonna fall...

How do you know when you're thinking about something way too much. Whether it's good or bad thinkin', either one in excess can be damaging either to yourself or those around you. Sometimes I'm just not sure where the line is, yet once I realize that I've crossed that line that's when I feel as if too much is bottles inside. I'm like a carbonated beverage, I've got that fizzy goodness inside that wants to tickle your nose, but if you open me up I might explode in your face from being shook around too much, and that could make a sticky mess. I need an outlet...oh wait, I have one, now I just need to act on it and get it done with.

On another note, "Serenity" was such a horrible movie, it was like watching a 2 hour pilot for a WB show or a SciFi Channel movie of the week. It's so full of cliche, cheaply made sets, some "Rolling eye causing" melodrama and mediocre one liners that die hard fans of the original show "Firefly" were chuckling all too loud at. I have nothing against Joss Whedon and his success within the television medium, in fact, he should stick to writing episodic shows. Stick with what works, that should be his motto.

I need a new CD tower/rack/cabinet...thing. I have about 400 CD's and a tower that only holds about half. I'm pretty sure I've lost a couple CD's to the under-couch monster, if anybody out there who reads this knows where I could find a cool lookin' CD tower, lemme know :)