Monday, October 17, 2005

A survey that's worthy of the blog...

1) My mother once: performed in a talent show dressed like a California Raisin

2) Never in my life: will I live in Utah

3) When I was five: I thought I was Superman

4) High School was: was good for the social aspect

5) I will never forget: the Alamo

6) I once met: my Aunt Sharon not long before she passed on after a fatal heart attack.

7) There's this person I know who: will never understand some of my ticks.

8) Once, at a bar: I ordered a glass of water

9) By noon I'm usually: already bored at work

10) Last night: I was again freaked out by Danny Bonaducci's self-destructiveness

11) If I only had: the new Canon HD cam

12) Next time I go to church/temple: I'll try and stay awake

13) Terri Schiavo: was loved by many, but no one loved her more than her long suffering husband.

14)I like: when ladies where big fat fake pearls

15) When I turn my head left, I see: a brick wall

16) When I turn my head right, I see: an iron pillar painted the same color as the GG Bridge.

17) You know I'm lying when: ...what, and reveal my "tell", pfft

18) In grade school: I had a really bad temper and would frequently throw tantrums while totally wailing on some kid who deserved it.

19) If I was a character written by Shakespeare: I'd be "Dogberry" from Much Ado About Nothing

21) A better name for me would be: Sherunous

22) I have a hard time understanding: Swahili

23) If I ever go back to school: I'd have to commit totally and live off of student loans.

24) You know I like you if: I give you an honest smile.

25) If I won an award, the first person I'd thank would be: whoever helped me out the most on whatever the award was for.

26) I hope that: everything works out alright :/

27) Take my advice: into count

28) My ideal breakfast is: Honey Nut Cheerios with a banana and OJ

29) A song I love, but do not have is: "Detachable Penis"

30) If you visit my hometown, I suggest: you visit 1/4 lb. Big Burger, aka "White Trash Burger"! Open 24/7

31) Tulips, character flaws, microchips & track stars: smell good, are valued, need to be destroyed so there aren't more Terminators and sweat a lot.

32) Why won't anyone: give me a ride to class on Tues & Thurs so I don't have to endure the 45 min train ride.

33) If you spend the night at my house: I'll probably keep you awake until 2am

34) I'd stop my wedding: if my trust were betrayed

35) The world could do without: Ashlee Simpson

36) I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: the rectum of a cockroach

37) My favorite blonde is: Rita Hayworth in "Lady from Shanghai"

38) Paper clips are more useful than: a sack of hammers.

40) And by the way: Jay Leno isn't funny

41) The last time I was drunk,: I was dreaming

42) My grandmother always: kept butterscotch candy in a jar for me.

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