Thursday, June 30, 2005

Anachoristic tendencies...

Have you ever gone to an historic place and felt strangely as if you belonged there? Last week I went to the Hyde St. Pier and climbed aboard a couple of the old ships they had there. One was an old cargo ship which was pretty cool, but the one that impressed me the most was the old ferry boat there that was used early in the 1900's to taxi people between Sausalito and San Francisco before there was a bridge. There was a huge area with just benches and empty seats, and when I sat down in one of the many rows of seats I immediately imagined myself riding the awesome sea...well, bayworthy ship, wearing an old style suit, high collared button up shirt with a tie and bowler cap. And I looked around and noticed hundreds, possibly thousands of other passengers dressed in the same garb, and a small percentage of women wearing their bonnets to protect themselves from the harsh and foggy winds that were blowing sideways across the ship's bow. I wish I could go back to that era, at least for a day, alas I can't. Does anybody wanna recreate it with me?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A Student Union secession...

I decided it would be a good idea to stop into the Apple store today after work to see if I couldn't get myself the new "Final Cut Studio" bundle pack to go along with my new G5. I was so excited, my palms were sweating with anxiety. I walk into the store and I notice immediately that all the employees are wearing bright green shirts with the words "Student Union" on them, to promote a new deal of getting a free iPod mini with your new computer. So I figured, oh good, so I can use my student discount here, awesome! I go to the cashier and ask if they could fetch me a non-previously handled box containing the FC Studio bundle. I then mention that I'll also be needing the student discount to be applied to my purchase, to which the cashier replied "I'm sorry, we don't do student discounts here in store, only online." I expressed my confusion by pointing to his shirt and explaining how dumb that sounded, and he said "I know." Well, the happy ending is that I was able to order it online with my student discount. It's so great, a product that would cost me $1400 is only costing me $750. There are perks to being a student.

Another death is capitalized on...

Yeah, you might have read my little rant about the INXS starsearch. Well, on UPN they're doing a TLC one to replace Lisa "Lefteye" Lopes. Who, although she was annoying, was the hottest one in my opinion. I'm seriously considering cutting myself off from primetime TV during the summer for this.

Da Mayor rides the #1...

On occasion I'll take the #1 bus home from work since it stops just a block from my apartment. Probably at least once a week I see San Francisco's former Mayor Willie Brown riding it as well, sitting confortably and non-chalantly in the elder/disabled seats up front, yeah right, as if nobody would notice him.

I guess he lives somewhere on Nob Hill near Mason St. or something, cause that's where he always gets off. Everytime I see him I'm tempted to say "Hey, you're that guy who was in "The Princess Diaries"!" 'Cause he has a cameo in it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

A suicide is commercialized...

What is wrong with America? Well, that's a question that could take a very long time to answer. But I just wanted to start with one thing that's been bugging me, and probably still will after writing about it, but at least this will help release a little tension. Now, I've never really been an INXS fan. Sure, they had a couple songs that were fun to dance to in the early 90's, but they weren't anything that could snatch my fanatical tendencies. Recently a TV show, not unlike American Idol, has surfaced on CBS to find the ideal singer to replace the original singer of INXS. Who, by the way, committed suicide some 10 years ago. What kind of band with any kind of integrity or self respect would submit themselves to a selection process such as this? I'll tell you who, a band that has nothing else going for them, namely INXS. OK, that's all I had to say about it. It's just lame, and I can't watch a show that only exists because the original singer took his life into his own hands. On a lighter note, I need a new CD shelf. Preferably one that holds approximately 350 CDs, so if you can recommend anything either from an online store or at a local furniture store please let me know. :) Have a loverly evening.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Tahk tahk, tahk tahk...

To get back into the office building where I work, you have to enter the 4 digit code that unlocks the door. And as I was about to enter the code I was reminded of the security guard in "Run Lola Run" and how he would punch the code into the bank's security door.

So when I punched the 4 digits I made the following sounds respectively as I punched each button on the keypad "tahk tahk, tahk tahk"

Isn't that neat? Yeah, I thought so

Saturday, June 25, 2005

A possible dynasty?

My oldest brother Rob is visiting from Utah, and with him he brought his lovely wife Tanya and 4 of his 5 kids. After we did some of the regular SF touristy stuff (ie cable car ride, Fisherman's Wharf, etc...) we had dinner at Pier Market. While at dinner, I was surprised to hear that my nephew Brady also wants to be a filmmaker! How awesome is that? The kid is only 8 I think, and he already has aspirations. He even knows directors, is a fan of George Lucas (not just because of Star Wars) and at career day in school he explained exactly what he'd like to do as a filmmaker. I was even surprised to know that he knows what a Producer is. I doubt he knows what they do, but just knowing that it's an actual production title at his age is impressive. This only motivates me more to know that in my future I may have an apprentice of sorts. Somebody who will most likely accomplish more than I will, and I'd be happy to give him an humble and happy hand (the h's are silent). A dynasty in the works? Perhaps. But it'll be years in the making

Friday, June 24, 2005

Truth be known...

As I rode my bike home from work, I took a detour to the library which is next to City Hall. As I crossed in front of this beautiful building so full of corruption, I noticed that if you look East towards Market St. there's a 3 story building made of brick that has the word "TRUTH" painted in giant white letters.

I think somebody is trying to send a message to our civic leadership.

Thoughts during a long day...

I have a firm belief that the orange was given its name before the carrot.

When speaking, I'm going to start making my "H's" silent, like 'herbs', just to make sure you're paying attention.

Is there a certain time of the year when sweet & sour pork can't be served at Chinese restaurants? It seems all the ones near my work don't serve it anymore. Weird

Why won't that light in the bathroom at my work turn off. There must be a solution to the problem, we all know how energy conscious I am.

Sometimes I get the urge to wear a multi-colored or alternatively colorful belt. But then my rational side reminds me that that's quite a gay thing to do.

I would go out and get some snazzy and colorful socks to wear, but I've already made a healthy investment in a bulk pack of white socks. So I guess I'm stuck with these until they wear out.

Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing stains your clothes easily, I gotta remember to not put the snap lid back on its recepticle so close to my body.

I like to put lemon wedges in my Coke, I always take the seeds out of the lemons first because I have a feeling that something as small as a lemon seed just might claim my fate if I were to choke on it.

I wanna go home :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

What happened to the Red Ribbon?

So I go to Virgin Megastore to get Billy Corgan's new album (which is great btw), and the young woman at the register asks me if I'd like to donate a buck to the AIDS foundation and receive a free white rubberband to wear on my wrist. I then started thinking, is the red ribbon no more? Has showing your support for medical research and disease awareness suddenly turned more into a fashion trend? This reminds me of the Jews of ancient days, they would wear a blue piece of yarn that hung from their clothes to show how righteous they were, and the prideful ones liked to wear extremely long pieces of yarn to make sure everyone knew they were righteous. I'm all for supporting the AIDS walk and awareness week, I just don't want people to lose focus because those rubberbands are suddenly cool to wear.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Whatever it was...

Whatever kind of pressure I've been feeling has been magically lifted from my shoulders, and to think a new computer with a highly efficient operating system could do so much. No, I am not a TOTAL computer geek, I just know the basics. And I with what I have now I am able to do so much more.

It's amazing how just having the tools ready can inspire creativity in a person. I think back to artists like Michelangelo with his fresco paintings, Leonardo and his craftsmanship and expertise with oil painting, Shakespeare with his plume and in more modern times the filmmakers variety of digital components that are used to create today films. If you were wondering why so many films are being pumped out nowadays, it's because the production time has been shortened so much and made everything so streamlined that the accumulation of crap and the exhibition of quality films has been facilitated in so many ways.

But enough about that, more about what I'm doing...I'm writing again, but for real this time. Honestly, since my new computer runs quieter than the PC I had, I don't get so annoyed and don't have to force myself to shutdown the computer so I can get some rest from the ear piercing noise.

You can expect my script to be finished within 2 weeks for sure, if you would like to read a bit of it, let me know. I just might let you.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Bill Gates can suck my... Macintosh dual 2.0 gig processor G5. Good-bye Windows, I've had enough of your petty mind numbing delays and rebooting that have taken too much time from my life. I even have dual displays, thus prospectively cutting my production time in half. How do you like them apples...or my Apple for that matter!?

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I'll try and make as little depressing as possible...

As I was returning from parking my car tonight, as is the ritual whenever I get back home from my parents, I found myself lost in thought as I usually do whenever I'm out and about. They aren't exactly thoughts that I commit to memory, usually just observations of things I've seen in the past, that I'm seeing now or possibly what could be in my future.

I like to analyze things visually (not mentally, mind you) and try to understand them just from a superficial stand point. It's then that I start posing them questions, perhaps it's a pointless exercise because I never get any answers back, but I feel it's what I have to do for myself.

It's times like these when I also start questioning my positions in the various aspects of my life. Spiritually, physically, professionally, scolastically, geographically, emotionally, and I could go on.

I wonder, How come...? Where is...? Does...? What if...?

I realize how vague this posting is, depending on how things go during these next few months, perhaps I'll clarify. But as for now, I'd rather not say.

Feel free to ask though, I need to talk about it with somebody.

Thursday, June 9, 2005

A new found interest in my story!

Tonight I buckled down and devoted at least an hour to writing my script.

I've found my new muse, and it is a clean and organized room. When my livingroom is all messy and crap is thrown everywhere, I can't seem to get my ideas out efficiently or clearly enough.

Tonight I went on a rampage and cleared the crap out, and it was one of the easiest and most enlightening writing sessions I've had in a while. I got lots of ideas out there and found a way to easily and logically transition towards the second act of my Revolutionary War time based story.

Don't bother me at night, for I am on a tear!

Sunday, June 5, 2005

OH YEAH! One hilarious detail about the Union St. Festival

Seriously, it was one of the dullest fests ever. But the highlight was when we headed over to the kids area where all the little carni rides were.

There was this giant inflated tunnel thing with inflattable animals all over it. And the part where the kids enter had a giant monkey straddling it, and between his legs, the tunnel was closed up and looked like a monkey's vagina.

I laughed sooooo hard when I first saw a kid enter inside.

Man, it's times like these that I hate myself for forgetting my camera.

Saturday, June 4, 2005

The Union St. Art Festival was... (extended version)

Current mood: cranky


I was having a good time until I realized something. I was suddenly surrounded by A-line skirts, halter tops and frameless sunglasses on the ladies and men in polos and cargo shorts.

It wasn't long before I left, but it was funny to see people drunk at 2pm. What cracks me up about these outdoor festivals is that you get thousands of people out on a beautiful sunny San Francisco day where they should be out in the open enjoying themselves and the majority of them decide to spend the entire time inside a caged off outdoor wetbar. As I walked by the bouncer guarded entrances I couldn't help but laugh as I walked around freely and the little astroturf floor areas were jam packed so much that there was hardly any motion. And it was so loud, I didn't see the point!

Some of the art was pretty cool. A lot of aspiring photographers who seem to only find interesting subjects in the same landscapes and SF landmarks that many photographers have captured before them. It would have been nice to actually see something new though.

I was most impressed by some of the woodwork that was there. I wish I could carve, I tried my hand at it when I was a boyscout, never quite got the hand of it. Which is probably why I was so enthralled by the craftsmenship.

Other than that, there wasn't anything too special, I had some good Cajun Red Beans and Rice, but the chicken & sausage jambalaya was junk.

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Relieved, Inspired and Motivated...

My co-workers could possibly attest to this, although I'm good at hiding my physical expression of stress, things were quite hectic for me at the end of last week and yesterday. I had to stay at work until 7pm working on some piece of crap assignment from our London friends over there. I'm just glad it's over with and now I can go back to just doing my normal research without any real deadlines, only my own conscience to drive me.

I was at Walgreens buying some white out for the office when I saw a cool little black memo pad for only 99 cents and some pens that I liked. I suddenly came up with the idea to carry them around with me at all times should inspiration strike. I've noticed lately that I've had some great ideas come to me at the most random times, and with nothing to document these ideas they've gone away just as soon as they came.

I've noticed on my bike rides home that I've arrived back home nearly wheezing, panting and almost passing out. At first I thought it was just the hills, which it is in part, but I think my tolerance for exercise has diminished as I haven't done it regularly for a couple years now. So I've made a decision to at least jog for a half hour every morning just to get my respiratory and cardio systems back up to spunk. I'm sure I'll start to see a difference in my moods (as I have been a little moody as of late) plus it'll give me time in the morning to clear my head before I step out the door to start my days at work.

I feel really good about my decisions, but my feelings are all really premature as I've yet to act on any of them. Just give me a couple days and I'll let you know how I've been doing.