Tuesday, June 28, 2005

A suicide is commercialized...

What is wrong with America? Well, that's a question that could take a very long time to answer. But I just wanted to start with one thing that's been bugging me, and probably still will after writing about it, but at least this will help release a little tension. Now, I've never really been an INXS fan. Sure, they had a couple songs that were fun to dance to in the early 90's, but they weren't anything that could snatch my fanatical tendencies. Recently a TV show, not unlike American Idol, has surfaced on CBS to find the ideal singer to replace the original singer of INXS. Who, by the way, committed suicide some 10 years ago. What kind of band with any kind of integrity or self respect would submit themselves to a selection process such as this? I'll tell you who, a band that has nothing else going for them, namely INXS. OK, that's all I had to say about it. It's just lame, and I can't watch a show that only exists because the original singer took his life into his own hands. On a lighter note, I need a new CD shelf. Preferably one that holds approximately 350 CDs, so if you can recommend anything either from an online store or at a local furniture store please let me know. :) Have a loverly evening.

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