Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Relieved, Inspired and Motivated...

My co-workers could possibly attest to this, although I'm good at hiding my physical expression of stress, things were quite hectic for me at the end of last week and yesterday. I had to stay at work until 7pm working on some piece of crap assignment from our London friends over there. I'm just glad it's over with and now I can go back to just doing my normal research without any real deadlines, only my own conscience to drive me.

I was at Walgreens buying some white out for the office when I saw a cool little black memo pad for only 99 cents and some pens that I liked. I suddenly came up with the idea to carry them around with me at all times should inspiration strike. I've noticed lately that I've had some great ideas come to me at the most random times, and with nothing to document these ideas they've gone away just as soon as they came.

I've noticed on my bike rides home that I've arrived back home nearly wheezing, panting and almost passing out. At first I thought it was just the hills, which it is in part, but I think my tolerance for exercise has diminished as I haven't done it regularly for a couple years now. So I've made a decision to at least jog for a half hour every morning just to get my respiratory and cardio systems back up to spunk. I'm sure I'll start to see a difference in my moods (as I have been a little moody as of late) plus it'll give me time in the morning to clear my head before I step out the door to start my days at work.

I feel really good about my decisions, but my feelings are all really premature as I've yet to act on any of them. Just give me a couple days and I'll let you know how I've been doing.

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