Friday, June 24, 2005

Thoughts during a long day...

I have a firm belief that the orange was given its name before the carrot.

When speaking, I'm going to start making my "H's" silent, like 'herbs', just to make sure you're paying attention.

Is there a certain time of the year when sweet & sour pork can't be served at Chinese restaurants? It seems all the ones near my work don't serve it anymore. Weird

Why won't that light in the bathroom at my work turn off. There must be a solution to the problem, we all know how energy conscious I am.

Sometimes I get the urge to wear a multi-colored or alternatively colorful belt. But then my rational side reminds me that that's quite a gay thing to do.

I would go out and get some snazzy and colorful socks to wear, but I've already made a healthy investment in a bulk pack of white socks. So I guess I'm stuck with these until they wear out.

Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing stains your clothes easily, I gotta remember to not put the snap lid back on its recepticle so close to my body.

I like to put lemon wedges in my Coke, I always take the seeds out of the lemons first because I have a feeling that something as small as a lemon seed just might claim my fate if I were to choke on it.

I wanna go home :)

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