Thursday, December 16, 2004

An ode to ramen...

Ramen oh Ramen, you are dear to my heart
Ramen oh Ramen, you don't make me fart
It takes only minutes to cook you in a pot
And when I'm eating you, it really hits the spot
I need you when I'm lazy, I need you when it's cold
Your beauty is like a daisy, your taste is very bold
I love you and your consome, sometimes I throw in an egg
You are very dear to me, please don't make me beg
Ramen oh Ramen, now don't you make me start
Ramen oh Ramen, you are dear to my heart

If you love ramen in all it's facility, cheapness and never tiresome taste, raise your hand! Yayyyy!!!

Friday, November 5, 2004

Strange things are afoot at the Department of Parking & Traffic

So having moved here a few months ago I had to go and finally get my parking permit so I could park closer to my home and not out in the Haight. When I got at the DPT, as expected, there was a long line at least a half hour long. And so I stood and waited, inching my way up closer to either window 3, 5 or 6. And then the entertainment show up!

This tall white guy, clearly a permafry from the 70's, walks in escorted to the front of the line by the security guard. First of all, the man had the most awesome uneven mullet chopped into his grey mane. He wore a black long sleeved t-shirt and soccer shorts over some ski pants which were then tucked into his black cowboy boots.

When he got up to the window he whipped out every single kind of identification he could find. He showed his registration, his lease, his utility bill, his Driver's License and finally in a great booming voice so everyone could hear him he said "I got my Cannabis Club card too if you wanna see that!" The whole waiting room was filled with laughs and chuckles as the man went on a rant about how he's mentally unstable and has a signed document saying so. Well, in the end he got what he wanted, I think he was just wanting to get his car out of the impound and he left with a "Thank you everybody" as he skipped out of a room that once again swelled with laughs.

Poor guy I thought to myself, he's going to be like that the rest of his life, but at least he gives those of us who are agonizing at the DPT something to laugh at and help pass the time better.

Thursday, November 4, 2004

It's official...the US is the laughing stock of the world

It's so embarrassing when in an election so important as this goes awry. Do you people realize that the eyes of all the nations were watching us, thinking that there was no way we would re-elect Bush.

They all know he's an idiot, we all know he's idiot, yet the idiots of this nation still decide to vote for him simply based on their assumption that he's either a good Christian or a good wartime president.

'twould be nice to move to Canada, alas it's too cold up there for me and I love America too much. I'd rather stay and make the best of the situation we're in.


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Burgers and Rowdy Roddy Piper

Yesterday I decided to splurge a bit on lunch and get myself a Bistro Burger, even though I had a full Subway "Preferred Customer" card. I'd eaten Bistro a few times before and always found myself somewhat unsatisfied with my gustation of said food product. It was yesterday that I realized what it was. Being a native Californian I had been raised on quite a bit of fastfood, namely McDonalds. I love Mickey D's, I choose to not see that movie "Super Size Me" because it's de-appetizing to eat that much food in the first place. But a large combo McD's every once in a while is OK, especially if you're generally a healthy and active person. But back to the Bistro thing, I think the reason why I'm never fully satisfied with it is because it's "real meat". There's not a high percentage of random cow parts to add that extra flavor :lol: Plus Bistro has that smell of freshly slaughtered cattle, and I just find that kinda creepy. When I eat beef I like to be under the false impression that it's just food, not meat carved off of a species of livestock.

Speaking of "livestock", the movie "They Live" was on AMC the other day and I watched the whole thing even though on TV it's like 3 hours. That movie's so awesome, but in a hilarious/kidding way. It's about a race of aliens taking over the earth and using our greed for their own gain. We work as a sort of livestock so they can build their cities and industry on our planet. All premise aside, the best thing about the flick is the 15 minute fight scene between Rowdy Roddy Piper and that one angry black guy. South Park parodied it with Jimmy and Timmy, but the original version is even funnier.

Monday, October 25, 2004

The Mane is NO MORE!

I was tired of looking all shaggy and giving off the image of a 30-something trying to look all "hipsterish" with my long hair. (I'm 25 btw)

So, I cut my hair, not too short though. Instead of looking like the Bobby Brady from their last season, I now have the Bobby Brady from the first season. That's the best way I can describe it. I'll have pics soon.

It's amazing how cutting 8 inches of hair can really increase your periferal vision. I always felt like a bum, not wanting to shave and trying to embrace my shagginess. But eventually I found myself not only surrendering to the look but also adopting the lifestyle of a bum. My motivation and self-esteem dropped considerably, I was like the opposite of Samson. When I cut my hair, I was free again, there was less weight hanging from my head, plus I didn't itch and grooming time in the morning was shortened quite a bit.

All in all, I'm glad I cut my hair. Maybe now I'll use my newfound energy for something creative or at least somewhat productive.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Why Christian Conservatives are voting for Bush, and why I AM NOT!

OK, I'm a Mormon, but that doesn't automatically mean that I'm going to go conservative and vote for a mass murderer does it? The only argument other Christian Right Wing Conservatives have is that Bush is against gay marriage.

But honestly, I don't care. It's not as if homosexuals are going to start getting married in churches and temples where it is considered an abomination. They'll most likely hold their own ceremonies and marry at city hall, which is one of the most unholy places you could go to. They already have the right to divide their possession by 50% to eachother, plus they have the right to adopt and have children of their own. The traditional family stucture already has an alternative in these gay unions, so letting them marry isn't going to make any difference.

I don't think Kerry's stated that he's for it, I've only heard him say that he's "not against it". That doesn't mean that it's going to be the first thing he proposes to Congress, there are much more important issues to work on such as the economy and more importantly the "War on Terrorism".

So to sum it all up, let's oust the mass murderer and elect a man who has a first person view of the realities of war. Somebody who won't go rushing into a war without due purpose and real evidence.

VOTE KERRY! And if you don't, that's fine, everybody's entitled to their own opinion.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Are drugs sexy or is sex a drug?

This message has nothing to do with the title, I just read it somewhere this morning so I thought I'd recycle it somewhere it would be irrelevant.

Have I mentioned in the past that I'm a Craigslist and eBay junky? Yeah, I am. Almost everything I buy comes from those two sites. But what I love the most is when I sell something through one of the two.

A couple months ago I bought a cool pair of retro-style headphones, but since getting a new home theater system I haven't need of them. I originally got them for like $10, I put them on eBay with a $15 BIY option, and somebody picked them right up! That extra profit will pay for a movie ticket this weekend! Also, a month ago I won four Krystof Kieslowski DVD's from Landmark Theatres, but since I'm not a big fan of his earlier suspense films I decided to sell'em. They go for $26 each at the Kino Video website, I sold'em for $15 each, free money! I'm not a greedy person, I just like it when I get a little extra on the side.

I got a couple CD's the other day. At the Billy Corgan thing he mentioned the group My Bloody Valentine, I always liked'em but realized I didn't have any of their albums. So I went out and got "Loveless", which is a great album, I highly recommend it. I also got Sonic Youth's album "Daydream Nation", which is a masterpiece of 80's pre-alt rock.

Oh yeah, some bastard broke my car window over the weekend and stole my stereo. I wasn't as mad as I expected I might be, at least it was the smaller window in the back door, and they didn't do any devalueing damage to the car. The stereo wasn't a big deal either, but what I was really pissed about was that they didn't bother to take my Les Claypool and the Frog Brigade CD out of the stereo first! I love that album, so now not only do I have to buy a new window and stereo, but the "Purple Onion" album is another necessary purchase. So I got that too.

Anyway, thanks for reading, Peace and chicken grease!!

Friday, October 1, 2004

All Talent, No Tools

As I have stated before, I am a film major. Granted, a community college film major doesn't sound as prestigious as say an SFSU film student, but I'm on my way right? All I need is a quality camera now. My Digital8 camera is busted and at the shop probably sitting under a pile of VCR's and 8-track players. Those bastards had better be doing something about it or else I'll have to get medievel on'em! There's nothing sadder than a filmmaker without a camera...well, I could probably think of a lot of sadder situations, but for now this one really sucks.

Since I got a bike the trip to work everyday has grown less interesting. When I was walking to work there was time to make observations, contemplate people's paths in life and watch birds poop on people. On my bike I'm goin 30 mph downhill and the only thing I observe is "how close is that car from hitting me?" I'm almost ready to walk to and from work maybe 2 or 3 days a week, I just feel like I'm missing out on a lot of the little things the city has to offer.

Maaaan! So many new toys out there I wanna get, but I gotta wait until my camera's fixed so I can sell it to get a different camera! The new iMac G5 is out, it's awesome and it's a perfect replacement for my at times frustrating eMachines PC. It's worked great, but there's not enough memory to edit video efficiently, so I'm switching over.

I'm still amazed as to how popular computers are this day and age. Everybody has one, everybody's on the internet and everybody's using it to play online pool on Yahoo!. My how we've progressed as a society.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I met Les Claypool...

Yesterday at Tower Records on Columbus and Bay, Les Claypool was there signing copies of his new album "Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains". It was awesome! Katie asked him if he was going to play the whamola at the concert at the Warfield, he said maybe and "The Whamola is a wonderful thing." Very cool guy, I think he was kinda bored by the time we got there but it was cool to see so many Claypool fans excited to meet the man. The new album is pretty cool. The instrumentals songs sound very improvisational, similar to Pink Floyd's old stuff, which we all know has a huge influence on him.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Yeah, I took a break, so what?

I've been taking a break from the MySpace thing because I've realized it takes up a lot of my spare time. I got scripts to write people, so I'm devoting the majority of my time to doing just that. It's just so hard to buckle down with all the distractions surrounding me. I mean, Jay Leno had Paris Hilton on the other night, you know she's going to say something that seems dumb yet is very true, so it's always a new experience hearing her talk. Plus I can't get enough of David Letterman, the man's hilarious. But yeah, so for the next couple months, if you wanna peek into my life, let me know and perhaps I'll post somethin' new.

Friday, August 20, 2004

City College of San Francisco is officially LAME

Tell me, what kind of school downsizes and has less evening classes when it is situated just outside a major metropolitan filled with people who work 9 - 5 and can't go to school during the day time. Don't know, lemme tell you, CITY COLLEGE OF SAN FRANCISCO. I tried to add an evening Algebra class last night only to find enough people to fill a second class standing along the wall inside class in the doorway. And since they pick who gets in by your registration date, I decided to give up since I only registered about a month ago. So I got up at the butt-crack of dawn today to make the 7am class. The lady who drives the 49 bus in the morning is so incredibly slow I figured I'd calm myself down with some Primus. That helped. I made it to the class on time with not a minute to spare, then 15 minutes late the teacher came strolling in. COOL, I thought, he's lax, maybe he'll let me add. But I found out there was already a list of about 15 people. That's OK, I thought, All I gotta do is show up a couple more times and watch the people drop like flies until it's my turn to add. SO WISH ME LUCK PEOPLE! I NEED THIS CLASS IN ORDER TO FINISH THE NEXT CLASS UP IN TIME TO APPLY FOR SF STATE!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

The Diversity of your Local Walgreens

It was a really nice day today, so at lunch I decided to walk around the FD a bit. I really wanted to go looking for a helmet and bike lock, but there aren't any shops to get'em at around here. But then I thought, maybe Walgreens has some bike locks. I went to the one nearest my work, no dice. I then went over to another Walgreens (since they pretty much own about 10% of the city), the one at Market & 4th St. Right when I walked in I started to look at the aisle signs to see if they had "Bicycle Supplies" or something similar where I could find some. Then one of the best aisle signs ever caught my eye. In the Hair Care aisle it had listed among the key items "AFRO HAIR CARE". I couldn't contain my laughter, I had to let it out. People were staring, but who cares, I'll never see them again. They obviously could never understand why something like that is so funny. And alas, no bike locks there either. Oh well, I'll find one somewhere.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Woo hoo!!!

I got meself a bike matey!! Somebody down in Foster City is holding a sweet GT Mach 1 for me. It's only 60 bucks, sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet! So tomorrow night I'll be a happy man. On my way home today I saw a man walk out of a drug store with the coolest dog. I don't know breeds. But what made the sight special was that the man had his dog hold his two packs of cigarettes that he had just purchased. Poor dog probably thinks they're treats for him, well, at least the guy isn't using his own kids and having them carry his cigs in their mouths.

Monday, August 9, 2004


On my way home last Thursday I finally finished "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams! Hilarious book, and certainly a very different type of science fiction. I can't wait for the movie to come out next year, it's gonna be sweeeeeet. So Now I've started on the next book "The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy". I just had to get that out of the way before I moved on. This morning on my way to the Haight to park my car there was a quadrapalegic man doing his best to cross the street. He didn't make it in time for lights to change, so when he saw that cars were about to head his way he began to hurry. I glanced away then looked back and all of a sudden he was on the ground rolling around. There was a pothole in the road, he must have tripped or stumbled over that. He got up slowly and started walking again, I swear if he hadn't have gotten up I would have gotten out to help him. I saw a girl walking towards him almost ready to break out in tears it was so sad. I didn't have time to stick around though, I was on a busy street and I was in a hurry to get to work on time. I'm going to Copelands Sports today for lunch to testride some BMX bikes. I was going to get a Mt. Bike, but I remembered that I always felt like an idiot on those. It's much more my style to ride BMX and not have to wear those lame shell head helmets. I'll get a BMX/Skaters helmet, that way I won't be self conscious about my dorkiness. 3:35 PM: So I went to Copeland's, that joint sucks! They had everything but bikes! I'll have to go out to the Valencia Bike Shop sometime soon I guess.

Friday, August 6, 2004

Ride to CCSF is a trip

This morning I needed to get to CCSF to take the lame Math/Algebra Assessment test. I calculated that if I get on the bus by 7:15 I'd probably reach campus by 7:45 at the latest. Being my first visit to campus ever I really how amazingly naive I was. The 49 goes down Van Ness, Mission then Ocean Blvd, I didn't know how long and tedious that trip was. Not to mention most of the Mission district is not something to write home about nor blog about, so I'll refrain. I got to the school around 8:15, just barely making the "opening explanation" of how the test is taken. This is pretty much a preparation for idiots who don't understand the logic of answering question after question without talking to your neighbors. So I decided to go to the bathroom during these minutes, you know, to release a little pressure. I came back, did the dopey arithmetic part and quickly moved on to the Albebra part. It wasn't too bad, I qualified to Intermediate Algebra, which just means I have 2 semesters more until I can go to SF State. On the way to work on the bus it was really fun. The Mission District looks a lot better once all the stores are open and people are scampering around buying produce at the outdoor markets. The murals are more radiant now that the sun is shining on them and the small population of drunken latinos are now all sober and on their way to work. A group of about 30 children suddenly boarded the bus, all yacking up a storm about Finding Nemo among other deep see movies they've seen. "FISH ARE FRIENDS, NOT FOOD" they shouted in unison. It was incredibly cute, made me smile during my whole trip which was something I needed this morning. A sweet Asian girl sat next to me, complaining to her counselor that she had a tummy ache. I hope she felt better because they were all headed to the wharf to make themselves some teddy bears at the "Teddy Bear Factory". It was a very gratifyingly different day today, and I need not to forget what started it all. On my way to the bus in the morning there was an elderly Asian man walking up the hill backwards. Now that's thinking outside the bun.

Tuesday, August 3, 2004

What party?

In the wake of last week Democratic Convention I've been hearing this question: "So, what party do you belong to?" To which I reply "None, I'm an independent". I find it humorous that when speaking of a political party people ask you if you "belong" to it. As if the party owns you and controls your vote. I much prefer the term independent. This means I can vote for whomever I deem fit to represent my country and interests. Of course this is true, but, if a Republican were to vote for John Kerry in the upcoming presidential elections people would question that persons political beliefs. "Well, are you a Republican or not?" they might say. Therefore, for the sake of causing any confusion among those close to me and within my own noggin', I choose to be independent and free to swing whichever way I please. Thank you, and don't vote for Bush

Saturday, July 31, 2004

The Village

I get home today and my wife immediately tells me we have to go out and see a flick tonight. I love it when she speaks my language, so I jumped at it and said "Let's go!" We're both fans of Shayamalan's films, so we went to see The Village. Honestly, not nearly as good as his past films, the dialogue is a bit much, but the story is purely original and the method is different from anything I've seen in a while. The acting by Bryce Dallas Howard (Ron Howard's daughter) is a great career launcher, and Joaquin Phoenix is great playing an afflicted and reflective blacksmith. I can never talk too much about it, because there's too much I can't reveal. The cinematography is beautiful, thanks to Mr. Roger Deakins, a modern genius of a DP. You have to pay close attention to every detail, there are clues everywhere just as in Shayamalan's past films. Right when I walked out I said to my wife "Some people will find it stupid, and other people will understand what just happened and love it". Don't pay attention to Ebert's review, they're just rantings of an old angry man who is still frustrated because he could never master the craft himself.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Yesterday and Today...

After work yesterday I had to go the the main library and take back a few DVD's I'd checked out and never watched. So this time I went determined to get something I'd actually watch. I miraculously found a VHS copy of "Divorce Italian Style", I saw it in a film history class a couple years ago and loved it. Thought I'd get it again, I also checked out a book that was co-written by Ben Stiller and Janeane Garofalo. They're both funny respectively, but when they team together it's pure magic (ie the MTV Movie Awards they hosted, best hosting job ever!). In order to run this as well as other errands I had to take the bus. I took the #7 bus that runs down Market and Haight. At the Powell St. stop people began to board the bus through the back door. An Englishman who was already on the bus started yelling at the people "PAY A FARE! DON'T STEAL, PAY A FARE! IT'S DISHONEST!" And a girl snapped back at him, "I HAVE A MUNI PASS, A-HOLE!" That's when he shut up. Everytime I take the #7 or #71 there's always a middle-aged black man standing at the corner of Haight & Divisadero. This man is an endless fountain of vocal expression. He randomly shouts out nativist lyrics wanting to make sure that we non-San Francisco born folk feel unwelcome in "his" city. I don't get offended, he obviously doesn't represent the city, so it's even easier to have a chuckle at how other people react to his rants. One man got off the bus and the black gentleman immediately shouted "WHAT'S UP PUNK!" while he wasn't paying attention. Scared the crap out of him! I couldn't help but laugh out loud while everyone around me sat scared and petrified clutching their satchels and purses. I've noticed there's a lot of fear in the hearts of San Francisco's residents. They don't like to talk to other people on the bus, unless their soul purpose is to hook up or panhandle. I find a good ice breaker is to just glance in a person's eyes and smile before saying anything. If you just suddenly speak to somebody, they're going to head for the trenches. But with a subtle salutation such as a look and a smile you've already built up a little confidence in the potential relationship. A man on another bus ride I took saw a woman board and immediately expressed to her "You're very beautiful!" To which her quick reply was "Forget it!" The dude was all sweaty and dirty from work with bloodshot eyes and torn clothes, obviously not your idea of a worthy mate. His chances were blown from the get go. Well, enough about the bus. This morning I woke up to Beck's "Mutations" album. It's great to wake up to for the first week, but today the first song "Cold Brains" was on repeat and played over and over again until I finally got up to get ready. So now I'm in a bad mood since one of my biggest vexations is redundancy. I'm trying to smooth it out by listening to different tunes at work today. We'll see how I end up.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Different route...

Today I walked down Sutter St. to work, mainly because I'm too lazy to walk up the hill, Sutter's much flatter. But the thing is with Sutter St., the people who I suppose frequent that street are like a totally different breed. I counted maybe 5 men walking around in sweatpants and sweaters holding cups of coffee in their hands, carefully keeping their forearm and aftarm (as I call the funny-bone area of your arm) at a perfect right angle so as to not spill their precious hazelnut flavored Starbucks coffee. I have nothing against Starbucks, I don't even drink coffee, but I do object to their coffee cups being everywhere. Every shop or building I go into there just always happens to be at least one person holding their cups, and always with that cardboard ring around it so they don't burn their fingers. But shouldn't they be more concerned about burning their tastebuds? I don't get it. Also, why doesn't Starbucks build those rings into the cups, it would save quite a bit of time I'd imagine, considering how many cups they ring everyday. I noticed there's a new coffeeshop near my work that's stolen it's name from that shop from Friends. Only this one's called "Golden Gate Perk", but it's sad because within the city you almost couldn't be any further from the actual park than the Financial District. Well, I guess it's the novelty of the name that matters not that it's not close to the park. And yes, today I brought my sandwich to work.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I forgot my sandwich!

To save time and mulla I decided to make my own lunch while my wife ate up my morning time in the shower. I placed it next to my bitchin' JanSport backpack, I had a thought to actually put it inside my backpack, but it came and went. I showered, got dressed, grabbed my backpack, kissed my wife see ya later and out I went. It wasn't until I got to work that I realized, CRAP! I FORGOT MY HAM & CHEESE SANDWICH AND TOSTITOS "hint of jalapeno" CHIPS! Oh well, I guess I'll be getting a snack at one of the many restaurants that abound the financial district. I decided to take the California St. route to work today. As some may know, California St. is essentially a hill. At the top is the Grace Cathedral, Masonic Temple, Fairmont Hotel and the Mark Hopkins Hotel. I couldn't help but think of all the secret combinations possibly being realized inside all four buildings, then I got a little intimidated and slightly freaked myself out. But then I started going down the other side of the hill and found my self tranquil once again. Strolling through Chinatown there are always older Asian couples out for their morning walks. I happened upon one couple probably in their 70's. The man was in front of his wife doing some breathing exercises, smiling and waving his arms about. His wife walked about 10 feet behind him being quietly submissive to her beau. She had a look on her face as if she had spent a lifetime crying. I couldn't even imagine what things she'd seen in her past, possibly living through the Mao Tse Tung and possibly living in one of the smaller provinces of China that were most persecuted. I would like to think she's living a happy life now, I hope so

Monday, July 26, 2004

20's vs. 30's

I was watching this show on PBS the other day, these three kids who are aspiring writers are on a road trip across America meeting writers and publishers trying to find out what it takes to be a writer and be successful at it. One woman, an editor for SPIN magazine said "The 20's are for discovering who you are, save your 30's for your career. But right now just have fun, keep writing and try and discover who you are." She also encouraged them to start a blog or do anything to keep writing and practicing. That's why I started my blog, primarily. I really just need some form of therapy for my subcontious melodramatic self. I gotta say I agree with the first part of the quote. My parents are concerned about my education and how it's progressing, but I figure as long as I'm growing as a person and am having real experiences and learning from them I'm doing just fine. What good is an education if your mind isn't free to do what it wants. So, hey, give me until I'm 30 before I start making the big bucks. For now earning peanuts and scrimping and saving to get by will probably help me out in the future and make me more humble and thankful during times of prosperity.

Somethin' funny

A few days ago I was lookin' through random crap that's being given away on Craig's List and I found the funniest picture. It was a rock that had "YOU SMELL LIKE ROBOTS" stenciled on it. Ever since then I've been saying it to everybody

I am Spiderman...

On the 1st of this month my wife and I moved into our new apartment in San Francisco. My bros. and I were up until midnight moving crap in while she was at the old apartment in Concord cleaning every inch for inspection. At 1am I drove back to Concord to pick her up so we could finally start our new life in San Fran. But guess what, I had all the keys to the new apt. on my keyring at one point, and at another point I took off a pair so my keys wouldn't be so heavy. Turns out I left both of the keys to the security door inside the new apartment, so we had no way of even getting inside the building. My wife and I sat inside the car for about 10 minutes wondering what we had to do. Were we going to sleep in the car that night? Not a chance with our cat in there with us. So I had a bright idea to drive my '97 Jetta closer to the building and under our window. We were on the first floor, so a break-in was plausible. So I moved the car, jumped on top of it and lucky me! During the furniture moving I had opened the window to let some air in. I punched at the screen and knocked it off it's hinges, placed it gently inside, pulled my 160 lb body up the side of the building and climbed into the apartment. Thus began our new life in the city, hopefully it wasn't symbolic of things to come. But it was fun nonetheless. And I figured if I ever get bitten by a radioactive spider and develop spidey senses, I would grow accustomed to such traits pretty easily.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

A Quote

After seeing "Iris", there was a quote from Dame Iris Murdoch that hit me, really as an eternal truth. "Every human soul has seen, perhaps even before their birth, pure thoughts such as justice, temperance, beauty and all the great moral qualities which we hold in honor. We are moved toward what is good by the faint memory of these forms. Simple and calm and blessed, which we saw once in a pure clear light, being pure ourselves." Let me know what you think about this quote

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Low key day today...

Friday There was somebody at work (who shall remain nameless) who was getting all worked up and annoying everybody because he wanted to find out who accidentally threw away the steel mesh filter in the coffeemaker, so since I don't even drink coffee nor think to ever touch the industrial brewer I just kept my mouth shut, blocked him out of my mind, put my headphones on and listened to The Proclaimers. This Saturday was a very relaxing day after a stressful week at work. I like to cook but have no counterspace whatsoever. I went to the Salvation Army (REPORTING FOR DUTY, SIR!) Thrift Store so see what they had. Sadly, no kitchen carts, but I did find a rad helmet for my wife for $2, so now she can ride her bike to work. I also found a cool SF Youth Baseball T-shirt and a vintage grey and burgundy Ralph Lauren POLO shirt. It's tight fitting, but in the emo way, ya know. I checked out a few flicks from the library, and I have to admit I was a little disappointed with the Main Library's DVD selection, but it's free so I can't complain. I watched "Iris" with Kate Winslet, Judi Dench and Jim Broadbent. It was a great semi-depressing film, but full of uplifting moments. And Roger Pratt's cinematography is stunning as usual. I recommend it, I just adore Winslet as an actress and that makes it the most enjoyable for me. (If you want to see Kate Winslet in 2 of her best roles thus far rent "Heavenly Creatures" and see "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind") Well, there you have it, exciting idnit?