Thursday, July 21, 2005

All alone with company...

Today was such a strange day. Now, I'm not notoriously moody, but I am entitled to be in a bad mood now and then, right? It didn't help much when I had problems with a crashed $2000 Mac computer after a power outage yesterday, that's all fine now, but it definitely put a huge damper on my day today. There were only a few people in work today, and everyone was out by 3pm, I got even more bored and by 3:30 I was on my way home. A sudden feeling of loneliness enveloped me, that and a sick feeling in my stomach from a Subway sandwich I had today (I'm never getting the Thursday special again). I'm going to watch a funny movie, eat some chicken soup then possibly work on my script some more. I wish "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory" were already on DVD so I could watch it in the comfort of my own home, you know it's a good movie if after a few days of not seeing it you actually begin to miss it. Maybe these feelings are just cravings for more Wonka.

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