Wednesday, July 27, 2005

To the mountains!

I'm driving to southern Utah tomorrow. There's not much to say about it since most of the drive is through the deserts of So Cal & Nevada. Miles upon miles of barren land full of people who I will never understand because it takes a certain kind of brain to decide upon living in a desert. I guess housing is quite cheap out there, but what's the point if you can't even enjoy the place you live in.

I'll be spending a couple days at a ranch that Katie's entire family owns. It's nestled among the mountains just past Zion National Park. There's a really cool cliff there that overlooks the entire ranch, I might bring a notepad & pen so I could get some quiet time and try to write out a few scenes for my script. Plus it'll be a good excuse for not wanting to socialize with Katie's sister's husband.

Last time we drove there MapQuest sent me through the Park and we lost an hour in our trip after having to manage the extremely windy and switchbacking roads that run all through it. Sad thing is we went through it at night, so we didn't get to see any of its beauty, we only loathed it's difficulty.

This time we're taking a detour through the northern tip of Arizona. Katie used to live on an Indian Reservation there called Moccasin, a really small town with a really cool history which I don't care to get into right now. I remember there being some really awesome flea markets and antique stores where you could find some of the most random and vintage trinkets, toys and kitchy items. I'm for sure bringing some cash just in case I find something that's impossible to pass up.

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