Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Wo is me, working for the Brits is so frustrating...

For the past year I've been working for a company that's based out of London, England. I can't say it's been the best experience of my life having to deal with people who have absolutely no idea what to do with their branch here in the US.

For starters, when I first began my career here they just gave us a quick 2 day training then left for their homeland, leaving myself and a few others to fend for ourselves and manage the office without any knowledge about the company or how things were done. Not much has changed in the past year, except that I'm the last man standing, I'm the sole contact for the company on these here American shores, and to top it off the medical benefits are the worst. It's impossible to talk with them about the benefits issue because there's no such thing in England, everybody goes to public clinics and hospitals. Well, I finally rubbed and squeeked enough to get them to budge and up the amount of medical coverage that I can have. Now I have to wait until September though, thanks to their lazy procrastinating selves.

A word to the wise, if you ever have an opportunity to work for an English company just starting here in the US and they offer medical benefits, bare in mind that they have no idea what that means.

I'm so stressed out today that I don't want to do any work, Tuesdays are the most boring of the week anyway, but after all the hub bub that I went through this morning I've decided to just chill and try and relax for the remainder of the day.

A's game tonight! Should be fun, gonna get me some garlic fries, mmmmmmmm

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