Thursday, July 14, 2005

I don't know you, why are you waving to me?

After work today I decided to venture over to Virgin Megastore to see if I could pick up the Aquabats new album and possibly pick up another random band's CD. Everytime I go there I decide to walk the Market St. route because it's virtually and geographically the fastest way there, however, socially it's the slowest way imagineable. Out in front of Virgin there is always a pack of World Wildlife Fund (WWF) kids trying to earn money for college. They say they're trying to help the dying pandas, but I know what their real motivation is. What bugs me is that they're almost always kids who are about my age, they're smiling, and some of the girls are cute even. So I feel like a real jerk if I ignore them.

Today it was a chubby acne faced girl who chose me to be her next victim. As I attempted to non-chalantally walk by acting as if I was watching the pidgeons overhead, she waved a huge overhead wave with her hand and said "Hello there!" to which I responded with an equally unnecessary wave saying "Good bye!". Well, it didn't stop her, this girl turned out to be a saddler as she saddled up next to me and walked the whole length of the sidewalk telling me about what cause she was working for and how it was helping her (the latter detail was the least convincing part to get my dinero). I kindly told her I really didn't have time, which was a complete lie, but come on, what person just decides to give money to a pimply faced kid on Market St?

After shedding myself of this two-faced do-gooder, I reached my planned destination only to be appauled by their prices as I usually am at Virgin. So I walked one more block to Rasputin's (or Raspy's as I like to call it) where I was hoping to find a better deal. Although their setup is kinda trashy, rundown and hokey, I always find my experiences at Raspy's to be good ones. They got a fitting selection and I enjoy the occasional banter with the over-sinical and sometimes pompous staff. Sure, they act like they know more about music than anybody else because they work at an "independent" record shop, but let's face it, how many of them can strum a power chord?

I got my CD's and rode the bus home. Sitting next to me on the bus was a guy maybe just a couple years older than me. He was dressed in an all black suit wearing black Docs and sporting a hairstyle not unlike Trent Reznor's current do. Only this kid was balding and had about an inch of blonde outgrowth. The NIN song that came to mind was "The Persistence of Loss"

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