Saturday, July 9, 2005


My work has disconnected me slightly from the part of my life that I enjoy the most, and that's the goofy, non-self conscious, not afraid to embarrass myself side. My script, although the story is awesome and something different in my opinion, still lacks that Jon Bowerbank spirit that I've been trying to access during this whole writing process. It doesn't mean that I'm going to quit my job or anything, NOOOO, far from it. I still got bills to pay damnit. But this just means that I'm going to try and just work harder AT work to make the time go by faster and hone my concentration in on some of the lighter or free spirited parts that make me who I am. So, although the story is based in the revolutionary war, you can expect it to have a Coen Bros./Terry Gilliam absurdness to it. And now that I'm rewriting it and constantly putting these ideas in to lighten things up, my excitement for finishing the script has only grown more than before.

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